Project Description

This project focuses on simulating the experiences of astronauts in a water landing in order to develop a suite of countermeasures to mitigate the effects of Entry Motion Sickness.听Following ground-based analogs, we will simulate gravity transitions by spinning human subjects in the Human Eccentric Rotator Device (HERD) to hyper-gravity and then transitioning them into the Tilt-Translation Sled (TTS), in which they will undergo wave-like motion.听Countermeasures include using Virtual Reality to provide different visual cues and enabling different amounts of postural control inside the TTS.

DLA students can expect to assist in development and testing of any of the countermeasures.听Additionally, they will be trained in how to conduct human research trials, working with subjects and running experiments as operators of the HERD and TTS.听They will also learn how to analyze data received from human subject experiments including quantitative data from balance tests and qualitative data from surveys.

Special Requirement

Ability to work in 5-hour blocks at least once a week.
