- William Wan and former Anseth Group postdoc Chelsea Kirschner, now at Sharklet Technologies, were just awarded a Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) seed grant for their project titled, "Dynamically tunable hydrogels to probe cellular
- Dan McKinnon earns the September EOTM award for his work in maintaining the group website, starting the group Twitter account (follow us @AnsethGroup), passing his Comprehensive Exam, and getting a paper accepted into Advanced Materials.
- Dan McKinnon, studying the extension of motor axons through synthetic hydrogels, passed his comps exam unconditionally. Kristi Anseth, Jen Cha, Curt Freed, Joel Kaar, and Stephanie Bryant all served on his committee. Congratulations Dan!
- Dillon Donohue, mentored by Danny Alge, co-author on two excellent papers and winner of the departmental award for best senior researcher, is moving on from the Anseth lab and starting his career. Good luck whevere you land Dillon!
- Abby ended her successful six-year tenure in the Anseth Group today to begin her career at Michelin in North Carolina. She will be applying her polymer engineering expertise to new tire formulations they will be keeping us all safe on the road. Good
- Sarah Gould successfully defended her thesis and is the 35th student to earn her doctorate from the Anseth Group. Her thesis focused on characterizing the response of valvular interstitial cells to different biochemical and biophysical
- Chelsea Kirschner, a postdoc in the Anseth Group from 2011-2013, will be applying her expertise in micropatterning surfaces to tackle bacterial fouling with Sharklet Technologies. She produced three excellent papers in the Anseth Group and pioneered
- AIChE will bestow the James E. Baily Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Biological Engineering upon Kristi at the 2013 Fall Meeting in San Francisco. She will deliver her award lecture November 5, 2013, 6:00pm-7:00pm Hilton SF,
- Abby Bernard has demonstrated exception leadership and poise through her five years in the Anseth group and is leaving for a succesful career at Michelin tires. She is the first two-time Employee of the Month and will be missed. Congratulations
- Daniel McKinnon's article "Synthetic hydrogel platform for three-dimensional culture of embryonic stem cell-derived motor neurons" described a minimum synthetic niche useful for studying motor neurons in a biophysically and biochemically defined