Published: Aug. 17, 2015

The Fall 2015 semester is right around the corner! There is still room for students in our Asian Studies major course, ASIA 4300 "Introduction to Modern Asia." Sign up today!

ASIA 4300 Fall 2015ASIA 4300 Open Topics in Asian Literature and Culture: Introduction to Modern Asia
MWF 10:00-10:50
3 Credits
Dr. Colleen Berry

鈥淚ntroduction to Modern Asia鈥 is an interdisciplinary Asian Studies course that looks at the idea of Asia as a coherent entity and at the ways in which Asia is increasingly knit together and integrated into global economic and political systems. We will discuss how Asia is a constructed idea that has been shaped, and been shaped by, global patterns of economic development, nation and state building, war and diplomacy, and aspirations of justice, prosperity, and human well-being.

Additionally, we would like to draw your attention to other courses that are being offered outside of the Asian Studies Program. All of these courses can be counted towards the Asian Studies major.听

ARAB 3330/HUMN 3093.002 The Arabic Novel: Modernity and Identity

ARAB 3340/HUMN 3093.001 Representing Islam

CHIN 3311 The Dao and the World in Medieval China

FRSI 1010 Beginning Farsi 1

FRSI 2110 Intermediate Farsi 1

FRSI 3110 Advanced Farsi 1

HIND 1010 Beginning Hindi 1

HIND 2110 Intermediate Hindi 1

HIND 3110 Advanced Hindi 1

HIND 3811 The Power of the Word: Subversive and Censored 20th Century Indo-Pakistani Literature