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Meeting Minutes 04/04/22

  1. Call to Order   


  1. Roll Call

    1. Present: Anuja, Teagan, Josh, Allie, Apoorva, Aneesh, Jemil, Inji, August, Bailey, Maya (Zoom), Cole (Zoom), Crisol (Zoom), 

    2. Excused: Sydney, Taylor


  1. Open Hearing 


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business 

    1. Reminders

      1. Spring retreat will be April 10th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM in UMC 386, those who can go to IFest afterwards (3:00 PM to 7:00 PM) are welcome to do so  

        1. Brief explanation of retreat

        2. Retreat Details

          1. UMC 386

      2. Elections will be April 18th (you must be present if you wish to run for a position)

  2. Old Business

    1. Fifth Funding Cycle

      1. TEDxCU “Breaking Boundaries,” April 2nd, 2022, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM in Macky Auditorium

        1. Attending:

          1. Josh

          2. August

          3. Apoorva

          4. Crisol

          5. Ornella

        2. Advertising

          1. Postering everywhere, social media

            1. Social media was great! -Taylor 

          2. UMC table tents

        3. Logistics

          1. Smooth and well-run

          2. No major issues

          3. Do a mic check to teach the speaker how to use it

          4. If there is food post event, make sure it is in a place that does not cause cues of people to block exits.

            1. Potentially also dismiss people by sections or rows

            2. Compostable utensils?

          5. Around half Macky (about 400 people)

        4. Content

          1. There wasn’t that much diversity in the speakers and the content that they were speaking on

            1. Mostly therapy-related

            2. We can watch the talks on Youtube once they are up

            3. Everything was related to the topic of Breaking Boundaries

        5. Future Notes

          1. Good content for the topic, but not necessarily related to our mission statement

          2. Possibly talk to TEDxCU about aligning with our mission statement so that we can continue funding them

      2. International Festival “IFest 2022,” April 10th, 2022, 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM in Glenn Miller Ballroom

        1. Anuja & Cole

        2. Updates:

          1. No updates

        3. Who will be attending?

          1. Anuja

          2. Cole

          3. Allie

          4. August

          5. Inji

          6. Taylor

          7. Apoorva

          8. Bailey

          9. Aneesh

          10. Josh

      3. Graduate Musicology Society “Samba Workshop,” April 8th, 2022, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM in Kittredge Central

        1. Bailey

        2. Updates:

          1. Advertising approved

        3. Who will be attending?

          1. Bailey 

          2. Allie - maybe

          3. Teagan

          4. Anuja

          5. Apoorva

          6. Josh

      4. VeRVE Collisionz “VeRVE Collisionz Competition,” April 23rd, 2022, 6:30 PM in Glenn Miller Ballroom

        1. Maya

        2. Updates:

          1. No updates

          2. Waiting on confirmation about new speaker

      5. Psychedelic Club “Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium,” April 15th @ 4:00 PM to April 16th @ 6:00 PM, 2022, Norlin Quad and Zoom

        1. Aneesh & Inji

        2. Updates: 

          1. We’ve received their

            1.  First, on the home page, it says April 16th and 17th, but they told us their dates are April 15th and 16th (their schedule also makes no mention of the 17th).

            2. Secondly, the schedule simply lists the 15th as “Pre-Party - More details coming soon” but doesn’t make mention of the art and music plans they had. I just want to know if that’s still happening and make sure they didn’t spend their funding on anything we didn’t approve.

            3. Lastly, they have a lot more guest speakers, which is awesome, but I also just want to make sure that they are only paying Dr. Bidwell with CEB funds.

            4. In my meeting with them, they did mention that they would be applying for ASSG funds and they do have the ASSG logo on their posters. This is likely where they’re getting the rest of their funding, but I want to be sure because of the issues we’ve run into with some other orgs.

          2. Poster notes:

            1. Title is not centered

            2. Comma needed in the date

            3. Change the colors of the fonts

            4. Maybe capitalize the whole word Saturday since all other words are fully capitalized

      6. South Asian Student Association “SASA Show 2022,” April 16th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, CU Recreation Center (Lower Court)

        1. Anuja & Jemil

        2. Updates:

          1. Their banner funding hasn't gone through despite being funded by us

            1. Anuja has reached out to Jamey

            2. They are build-a-sign

            3. Alexis will speak to Jamey tomorrow to see if they can order it on a CSI card, or if they want to use a reimbursement option.

      7. CU Breaking Club  “Rockers Rumble 14,” April 2nd, 2022, 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Muenzinger Psychology

        1. Attended:

          1. Teagan

          2. Apoorva

          3. Anuja

        2. Advertising

          1. Unapproved advertising on Instagram 

            1. I did not see anything online regarding this event- Taylor 

          2. Didn’t really see postering around campus

            1. This meant that most of the people in attendance were competitors and not students

          3. They should have tabled in the UMC more to garner student interest and attendance

            1. They could get creative with stuff like dancing around campus

        3. Logistics

          1. Actually was April 3rd and from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and was in the UMC 

            1. Not what their budget request said

          2. Ended up not buying the mats that we funded

            1. What about the one that they were going to donate

          3. The dancers were really tired because a lot of them had been dancing all day

            1. They can ask us to fund water and other items to ensure hydration and not letting people get hypoglycemic

        4. Content

          1. It was a very cool event

          2. Good representation of hip-hop culture

          3. Lots of attendance from around the US

          4. DJ was very good

            1. Everyone was having a good time

          5. Anuja has videos 

        5. Future Notes

          1. Advertise more!

      8. “Israel Fest 2022,” April 7th, 2022, 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM, Farrand Field

        1. Allie

        2. Updates:

          1. Advertising was approved and they were very quick to be able to produce that new version

          2. The outside funding that they’re receiving is from CU Hillel

          3. They’ve shared their final list of participating organizations (can view on doc in drive)

          4. Currently working on:

            1. Parking rental and figuring out permission to unload/reload equipment

            2. Solving electricity issues

          5. New Allocations

            1. Henna Artist was originally allocated $600, but their new quote is $190, so $410 extra remaining. They requested to reallocate $133.50 from that remainder to the Rec Center for chairs and tables

              1. Approved by Chair 

            2. Their DJ had a family emergency and returned to Israel, so they needed to reallocate the original $472.50 that we allocated for DJ to their new DJ (Brigitte Zadok)

              1. Approved by Chair

          6. Could we get them to use a card swipe machine

            1. It would be hard to get them on board with this idea

              1. Would go against their “anyone can swing by” idea of what attendance is

            2. We could have them put the swiper at the food booth

              1. Most of their attendance is probably going to be food involved

            3. It would be nice to be able to gauge active attendance

          7. It may be a good idea to heavily encourage all orgs to use a card swipe to guarantee quantitative attendance number 

          8. Who will be attending?

            1. Allie

            2. Alexis (4-5)

            3. Inji (5-6)

            4. Aneesh (6-7)

            5. Bailey (3-3:30)

            6. August

      9. Nepalese Student Association “Nepal Night: Expedition to the Himalayas,” April 15th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 10:30 PM, Williams Village Multipurpose Room

        1. Anuja & Teagan

        2. Updates:

          1. Anuja met with them - they know they can get full meals within the budget we gave them but have chosen to go with appetizer-type stuff

            1. Remember this for next year (it’ll come up)

  3. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)

      1. Hourly positions: Please fill out your hours if you haven’t already done so and continue to do so for the remainder of the semester. 

        1. “Sorry about messing that up”  - Aneesh

      2. Can we get approval power back to chair for hourly pay cycles?

        1. It’s being worked on.

        2. May be due to the switch over to Kronos

      3. Alexis will ask UMC for extra furniture

    2. Leg Council

      1. Absent

    3. Finance Board Liaison

      1. None!

    4. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Anuja- can we set up a time this week to talk about retreat?

    5. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Bring one speaker idea and 30 second blurb about why to retreat

      2. It’s important to think about and hopefully agree upon a speaker during retreat

        1. The earlier we start working on this, the easier it is next year for when we need to actually get the speaker to come (hopefully)

    6. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. CSI is also feeling the stress of student orgs right now. They are experiencing the same things that we talked about last week. 

        1. Hillel continues to not follow funding guidelines and then expects CSI to just deal with going about funding/reimbursement.

        2. They also signed an 8000 contract with Artists for Israel.

        3. Alexis and Anuja, can we have a meeting about this at some point?

    7. Assistant Speakers Coordinator


        1. There are signed posters in the office from some of our previous events that are open for grabs. 

        2. If you have any ideas or suggestions notify me or Aneesh,

    8. Webmaster

      1. Will add calender 

      2. Please send me any photos you have from org events 

    9. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Excused

    10. Secretary/Historian

      1. Calendar is ready

        1. Copy and paste this link into the “add calendar from URL” page 

          1. Don’t open the link, that’ll download a .ics file instead

          2. To get to the add from URL page, click the “+” icon next to other calendars. This can be found around the bottom left corner of the calendar home page

          3. If you’re an iPhone user, you can link your CU email to your calendar app in settings to automatically sync this calendar

          4. If you use the Google calendar app you don’t need to do anything extra.

          5. We can also embed this on our website

      2. Bylaw Review Document is also ready

        1. CEB → 2021-2022 → CEB Bylaw Review

      3. For people who are graduating → can we get you guys CEB cords (I know you guys are getting CUSG stuff)

    11. Chair

      1. Bylaw review committee: our first meeting will be tomorrow at 2:30 PM. I can send out a Zoom link or we can meet in the office.

        1. We will meet in the office.

      2. Send out an email to officers about making a presentation about their positions for retreat.

  4. Adjourn

    1. 8:40 PM