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Meeting Minutes 02/27/23

  1. Call to Order   


Present: Aneesh, Teagan, Allie, Taylor, Iliana, Apoorva, Michelle (tardy)

Absent: Noelia (excused) 

  1. Open Hearing 


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Voting Breakdown

      1. For - Abstain - Against

    2. Interviews 

      1. Voting Breakdown:

        1. For - Abstain - Against

      2. Undergrads

        1. 7:30 PM -

          1. Motion to accept L.N. onto the Cultural Events Board as a Board Associate.

            1.  0 - 0 - 5

        2. 7:50 PM -

          1. Motion to accept M.M. onto the Cultural Events Board as a Board Associate. 

            1. 4 - 1 - 0

        3. 8:10 PM -

          1. Application withdrawn

        4. 8:30 PM -

          1. Application withdrawn

      3. Graduates

        1. 8:50 -

          1. Motion to accept M.K. onto the Cultural Events Board as the GPSG liaison. 

          2. 5 - 0 - 0 

  2. Old Business

    1. Fifth Funding Cycle 

      1. TEDxCU “Serendipity,” April 7th, 6:00-10:00 PM, Macky

        1. Apoorva and Michelle 

        2. Updates:

          1. Had pre-spending meeting

          2. Sending marketing materials tonight

      2. NSA “Nepal Night,” April 8th, 5:00-10:00 PM, Glenn Miller

        1. Taylor and Allie 

        2. Updates:

          1. Sending check-in email this week 

      3. SASA “SASA Show,” April 22nd, 6:00-10:00 PM, Lower Rec Courts

        1. Teagan and Iliana 

        2. Updates:

          1. Will send a check-in email this week 

      4. Psychedelic Club “Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium,” April 15th, 11:00 AM to 6:30 PM, Virtual (Zoom)

        1. Taylor 

        2. Updates:

          1. No Updates

      5. Asian Unity “Passport to Asia Banquet,” April 7th, 5:30-10:00 PM, Byron R. White Club 

        1. Taylor and Allie 

        2. Updates: 

          1. Budget things 

            1. Reallocation: 

              1. Want more money for food 

                1. Attendance from 350 to 450 

                2. Headliner DJ is less than expected 

                3. Have not gotten a specific quote yet 

                  1. Already at $20 per plate 

                  2. Number will also change due to additional people

            2. Additional funding: 

              1. Confused 

                1. IDK if we missed this or it just got lost in communication

              2. $480 for security 

              3. $766.95 for catering buyout 

              4. Motion to approve an additional $1,246.95 for Asian Unity’s event “Passport to Asia Banquet”

                1. 5 - 0 - 0

      6. Sigma Lambda Beta “Weekend in Vietnam,” April 4th, 6:00-9:00 PM, Kittredge Multipurpose room 

        1. Apoorva and Michelle

        2. Updates:

          1. Haven’t received docusign yet

      7. MECHA “MECHA National Conference,” April 28th-29th

        1. Aneesh and Iliana

        2. Updates: 

          1. Also the fundraiser does break CEB bylaws

            1. They would have known if they:

              1. Read the bylaws

              2. Asked CEB about their plan to fundraise 

          2. Vote

          3. Motion to here the funding for UMAS y MECHA

          4. 4 - 0 - 1

          5. Budget

            1. Speakers: $6,700

              1. Need quote confirmation 

            2. Venue: $2,648.17

            3. Food: $14,842.86

            4. Advertising: $500.00

            5. Total $17,991.03 

            6. Motion to approve $17,991.03 for MECHA’s event “MECHA national conference”

              1. 4 - 1 - 0

          6. Notes

            1. Do you have a vegan/vegetarian option for breakfast?

            2. What is your dinner on April 29? Only chips and dip?

            3. Please make sure you communicate with your caterers ASAP about your potential large catering orders but do not place any final catering orders until you have all your RSVPs final.

            4. Tell this non-communicative thing will not work.


  1. Students Against Campus Sexual Assault “An Intersectional Lens on Human Trafficking,” April 19th, 6:00-8:00 PM, Wolf Law 206

    1. Teagan

    2. Updates:

      1. No updates

  1. Fourth Funding Cycle 

    1. International Festival Committee “International Festival 2023” March 4th 3:00-7:00 PM, Glenn Miller Ballroom  

      1. Iliana and Aneesh 

      2. Updates:

        1. Did the post event survey get sent to them? Just want to check

          1. Yup i just forgot to cc y’all

        2. Who is going?

          1. Teagan 

          2. Taylor

          3. Aneesh

          4. Apoorva

          5. Allie

          6. Iliana

    2. VeRVE Collisionz “VeRVE Collisionz Street Dance Competition” March 19th 6:30-8:30 PM, Glenn Miller Ballroom  

      1. Michelle and Taylor

      2. Updates:

        1. Sending check in email this week 

    3. Sigma Psi Zeta  “Culture Shock” March 12th 6:30-10:00 PM, Glenn Miller Ballroom 

      1. Aneesh and Apoorva 

      2. Updates:

        1. Still haven’t heard back from them after check-in email


  2. Third Funding Cycle 

    1. Multicultural Greek Council “MGC Yardshow 2023: Stomp Your Heart Out,” April 16th 6:00-9:00 PM

      1. Teagan and Taylor

      2. Updates: 

        1. Meeting moved to March 8th

          1. Did they reply?

  3. Post Event Review 

    1. Saudi Students Association “Saudi Foundation Day,” February 25th 5:30-10:00 PM

      1. Reached out to Mostafa for their slides

      2. Advertising

        1. Did not see any advertisement

      3. Logistic

        1. All in Arabic 

          1. Writing and all

        2. Collaboration with Mines

        3. Food safety issue with the coffee and fresh-baked sweet thing  

      4. Content

        1. Need to review the slides

          1. Depending 

        2. Maybe an issue due to politics

      5. Future Notes 

        1. Must have a translator 

        2. Stop cheating on Kahoot

  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor(s)

      1. Make sure to update your hours by every Monday at 9am in the spreadsheet!

      2. VSA updates

      3. Spring retreat???

    2. Leg Council

      1. Absent

    3. GPSG Liaison

      1. TBD

    4. Finance Board Liaison

      1. No Updates

    5. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Met w/PC marketing today to review our collective marketing gameplan

        1. Another marketing meeting on Wed. (2/29) w/Taylor & PC

      2. Will start work on our merch by the end of this week :) 

    6. Speakers Coordinator

      1. PC

      2. No other updates 

    7. Secretary/Historian

      1. Sorry no banana bread, not ripe enough

      2. I promise the bylaws will be more strict for next sem

    8. Student Outreach Coordinator

      1. Waiting on further instructions from Christina and Stephanie 

    9. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Making a post for AM 

    10. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. No Updates

    11. Webmaster

      1. No updates

    12. Chair

      1. No updates 

  2. Adjourn

    1. 10:40