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Meeting Minutes 09/18/23

  1. Call to Order   


Present: Aneesh, Teagan, Allie, Taylor, Kellen, Mayra, Apoorva, Alexis, Manasa (tardy) 



  1. Open Hearing 


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Introductions

    2. Second Funding Cycle First Hearings

      1. Liaisons

        1. : Saturday, October 28th, 5:00PM - 8:00PM  - Glenn Miller Ballroom

          1. Taylor

          2. Manasa

        2. : Friday, November 10th, 6:00PM - 9:00PM - Will Vill Multipurpose Rooms

          1. Aneesh

          2. Kellen

        3. Friday, December 1st, time? - CASE Auditorium and Chancellor’s Hall

          1. Marya

          2. Teagan

        4. : Saturday, December 9th, 7:00PM - 10:00PM - Glenn Miller Ballroom

          1. Allie

          2. Apoorva


  1. Mission Statement:

    1. The Cultural Events Board aims to broaden cultural knowledge by supporting the voices of underrepresented and misrepresented groups on campus, thereby promoting student engagement with their platforms. The Cultural Events Board encourages opportunities for interaction among students resulting in respect, appreciation, and understanding for cultural differences. 

  2. 7:00 PM - Nepalese Student Association - “A Walk Around the World”

    1. Notes

      1. Mission statement: create a strong Nepalese student community by hosting various events that highlight the culture

      2. An event to showcase their culture (dances, cuisine, song, etc.)

        1. Hope to provide a platform for other underrepresented clubs

        2. 3rd year doing the event

      3. Similar event to last year, but would like to have clubs from other parts of the world than South Asia to expand representation

        1. There was interest from other clubs last year that couldn’t perform that were interested

        2. Would like to include new clubs/organizations 

      4. Planning on the event starting at 5 PM and ending at 8 PM, but it is subject to change because of issues with EP&C. 

    2. Questions

      1. Are you working with PC on this?

        1. Yes 

          1. Liaisons will be present at the meeting with PC and there will be a new form to sign as an agreement between you and PC to make sure the event runs smoothly. 

            1. Aneesh is trying to meet with PC to figure this out soon. 

    3. Discussion

      1. They are doing super well this year. Very happy about that. 

        1. Improved a lot over the last 2 years. 

      2. They took into account feedback from last year and have expanded how many organizations and the variety of organizations that will be able to perform. 

    4. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for NSA’s event  “A Walk Around the World”.

    1.  6 - 0 - 0 

  1. Post-presentation notes

  1. 7:15 PM - South Asian Student Association - “SASA Garba Night”

    1. Notes

      1. SASA is a social student organization that represents the students of South Asian heritage here at CU that aims to create a diverse community and help students connect and learn. 

      2. November 10th from 6:00-9:00 PM in Will Vill Multipurpose Rooms

      3. Annual cultural festival observed in honor of goddess Durga 

      4. Very big event

        1. 200-300 people have attended in the past

        2. Started it 2-3 years ago

        3. Have had students attend who are not of South Asian descent

      5. Brings cultural awareness about holidays and festivals in South Asia 

    2. Questions

      1. Hasan Minhaj is doing stand up on the same night, would you be willing to move the event since there might be a lack of attendance due to that?

        1. There are other events that have reservations around the day that we have the event, so it might be difficult to move. 

        2. Could maybe move to UMC 235, but it would be small for the number of people that they are expecting.  

      2. How will you market this event to all students, including those outside of the South Asian student population?

        1. Flyers around the C4C

        2. Market within the organization

        3. Instagram and affiliated groups Instagram pages 

        4. TV’s in Rec and UMC 

        5. Encouraging people to bring their friends 

        6. Have request $300 for advertising 

    3. Discussion

      1. Very nice presentation. 

      2. Done this event for the last 3 or 4 years. It is always a fun event with good food and dancing. 

    4. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for SASA’s event  “SASA Garba Night”.

    1.  6 - 0 - 0 

  1. Post-presentation notes

    1. Will send catering contract information that provides more information for the reservation Allie Lindsey

  1. 7:30 PM - Creative Nonfiction Club - “Changing Skies Journal Launch”

      1. Journal is focusing on climate change 

      2. Not a lot of people know about creative nonfiction 

      3. Create a platform for CU students and other authors to submit their creative nonfiction pieces 

        1. Accept submissions nationally and internationally, but mostly from CU students. 

      4. Have had journal launches in the past 

      5. Provide copies of journal for students and those who have submitted work 

        1. Sense of pride when someone sees that their work has been published 

      6. The main cost is to cover the printing of the journals

        1. Don’t need food for the event 

      7. The keynote speaker is not requesting payment 

        1. Scott King

    1. Questions

      1. It is listed in your funding request that your venue will be the Aspen rooms, but I don’t see a request for funding for the line - is that intentional? Are you getting funding for that elsewhere?

        1. Now it is in the CASE Auditorium and Chancellor’s Hall 

          1. Being covered by the program of writing and rhetoric 

      2. Have you all done this event before? 

        1. Yes

      3. What does the timeline look like leading up to this event? What time is your event taking place? What time is it ending?

        1. The event is just the launch of the journal 

        2. Editing process is going on right now and they are still accepting submissions 

        3. Time: December 1st, not sure of the exact time, but in the evening. 

      4. How are you planning on advertising to students whose work is not in the journal?

        1. No one in the club can submit to the journal 

        2. For everyone who is not in the club 

        3. They have funding from the program of writing and rhetoric for the advertising 

      5. Have you interacted with the Environmental Center for this event?

        1. Usually do something with them when the launch happens, but not sure what it looks like at the moment. 

      6. Is there a more sustainable way than to print a bunch of paper considering the topic is climate change?

        1. The journal is published digitally as well 

        2. They only have a limited run of the journals and don’t print more after the event is over 

        3. Never have had too many journals 

          1. Normally don’t have enough 

      7. How many journals will you be printing?

        1. Will be printing 300 copies each based on previous events as well as the capacity of the venue. 

      8. What are on the bookmarks that are part of your request?

        1. QR code to the website as well as the club information

        2. Information on how to access the online platform for the journal. 

      9. If not everyone fits in the auditorium, what will you do?

        1. Have a live feed outside to the Chancellor’s Hall.

      10. How many students will be published in the journal?

        1. Depends on how many submit their work and how many total submissions they get. 

        2. In years past, there were at least 10 students who presented their work at the event. 

      11. How are submissions vetted?

        1. All of the personal information is deleted from the document when it is submitted so they can only see the work. 

        2. There are a few editors assigned to each piece

          1. If it is good enough, it is passed on to a more rigorous review. 

      12. Do you have a faculty advisor?

        1. Yes we do, but we try to do everything ourselves. 

      13. Is the deadline over?

        1. No, it has been extended. 

    2. Discussion

      1. Feels like we are just funding the journals and that is a fine line to walk with bylaws.

      2. Described the underrepresented group as the idea of creative nonfiction. 

        1. Not super sure how it spreads awareness about the creative side of nonfiction. 

          1. Focusing on climate change and trying to get a diverse group of people submitting is partly fitting, but it might not fully fit our mission statement. 

      3. Should find a different and more environmental way to produce the journals since the theme is climate change. 

      4. Communication in the past has left something to be desired. 

      5. Seems like applying to CEB was an afterthought since we are only being asked to fund the journals and not the venue and other such relevant line items for hosting events. 

      6. Where did the funding come from last year for these journals?

        1. Event was much smaller last year at the Boulder Bookstore. 

        2. Was from the Program for Writing and Rhetoric. 

      7. Wondering more about the timeline leading up to the submissions 

    3. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Creative Nonfiction Club’s event  “Changing Skies Journal Launch”.

    1.  0 - 0 - 6

  1. Post-presentation notes 

    1. Aneesh will email

  1. 7:45 PM - African Student Association - “ASA Fashion Show”

    1. Notes

      1. How it aligns with mission statement:

        1. Chance to demonstrate different cultures and diversity with Africa as a whole and educator others about it 

        2. Emphasizing underrepresented populations that have been ignored for decades

        3. ASA members will present their culture and other cultures present on campus

        4. People can learn about the non-monolith fashion of the wonderful Africana community here on campus. 

      2. How the event will work

        1. Grab food and go to table

          1. Meet new people 

        2. First half of countries present outfits

        3. Intermission

          1. Talk about club and fundraising

        4. Second half of countries

        5. Small dance segments to advertise tour of Africa

      3. Will have a red carpet 

        1. Trying to mimic Vogue fashion shows 

      4. Advertising sign up sheet at meetings and outside of that 

      5. Fashion show and dancing used to be combined, but decided to separate to showcase them both on their own this year 

      6. Getting risers to extend from stage like a runway 

      7. Fraternity on campus will do a stroll 

      8. Will include 2000s culture and have talked to BSA about this

    2. Questions

      1. What time is your event taking place? What time is it ending?

        1. December 9th from 7:00-10:00 PM 

      2. What is the plan to advertise to students not in your target populations?

        1. Started tabling in the UMC 

          1. Advertising event and club at the same time

          2. Try to draw in people they wouldn’t normally advertise to 

        2. Put flyers in residence halls and everywhere they can 

        3. Trying to work with CAAAS to expand their advertising, it is a partnership 

      3. What is the fundraising about during intermission? 

        1. Wanted to do crowd funding for extra money for their trip that is coming up after. 

        2. Might also fundraise for a specific cause in a specific country. 

        3. Not sure if they are going down a crowdfunding route

          1. Were maybe charging tickets, but decided not to. 

        4. This will most likely be in violation of the CEB bylaws and SFRs. 

      4. Did we find out if this was a partnership with other organizations like BSA and CAAAS? 

        1. Not a collab, just trying to cross advertise with them and bring in a lot of people. 

    3. Discussion

      1. They had a good presentation and asked a lot of questions. 

      2. Their planning was not great going into it, hadn’t talked to CSI for a long time, submitted without many of the quotes they now have. 

        1. Leniency since it is their first time. Normally would have been denied due to lack of quotes, but communication has been good in the past week and they are eager to learn. 

          1. Their board was established later on, so might be the reason for communication issues at the beginning. 

      3. Try to catch bylaw violations early in regards to fundraising if it is going to happen. 

        1. They can apply for SOAC funding instead of fundraising 

      4. Their event seems like it will be fantastic 

        1. They are trying hard to plan right now and hopefully it goes the way they are planning

    4. Mission Statement Alignment

  1. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for ASA’s event “ASA Fashion Show”.

    1.  5 - 1 - 0 

  1. Post-presentation notes 

    1. Yay Ola and Mena 


  1. Old Business

    1. First Funding Cycle

      1. Black Law Student Association,  “The Things We Carry: Artist Talk with Chloé Duplessis,” September 14th, 6:00-8:00 PM, Wittemyer Courtroom (Wolf Law)

        1. Liaisons: Apoorva and Marya

        2. Post-Event Review

          1. Advertising

            1. Not great…

          2. Logistics

            1. The rain made people show up late. 

              1. “There are some people navigating parking and/or life right now” - Chloé Duplessis

            2. Doors to the courtroom were closed

              1. Might not know where the event was if you didn’t know ahead of time

              2. Not the most welcoming 

          3. Content

            1. Impactful, but turnout was not great. 

              1. 10-15 people 

              2. Law students mostly 

            2. Donated a painting to the law school

            3. Talked about what she is working on and her life experiences 

            4. There was food 

            5. Lots of her own art was shown and people were interacting with her. 

          4. Future Notes 

            1. Marketing needs to improve 

              1. Was not visible on campus or online

              2. Not sure what it looked like for law students


  1. CU Ceramics Club,  “Visiting Artist Series,” September 18th-20th, 12:00 PM on 18th-10:00 PM on 20th, VAC 171/175

    1. Liaisons: Allie 

    2. Updates:

      1. No Updates  - besides their events happening now!

    3. Post-Event Review (Workshop)

      1. Advertising

        1. Didn’t see very much of it 

          1. Part of it could have been us dropping the ball with switching liaisons a lot. 

          2. But we still didn’t get it till late in the game. 

          3. People were in the wrong place because of the confusing dates on the advertising 

      2. Logistics

        1. Filled the workshop (around 25 students)

        2. By 6:10, they had not start touching clay and the artist was still giving their presentation 

        3. Started on time at 5:30 PM

      3. Content

        1. Sharing cool anecdotes

        2. Good content 

      4. Future Notes 

        1.  Try to start the workshop sooner perhaps

          1. If it is a workshop and a lecture, then the lecture doesn’t have to take place as much during the workshop. 


  1. Women of Aeronautics and Astronautics,  “WoAA Conference 2023: First Take Off,” October 7th, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM, Aerospace Department on East Campus

    1. Liaisons: Teagan and Marya

    2. Updates: 

      1. They are working on their pamphlet for the event and will be sending it to us soon for approval. I just told them we were checking for logos and to make sure things were spelled correctly. 


  1. Sigma Lambda Beta,  “Noche de Baile,” October 3rd, 6:00 PM-10:00 PM, Williams Village Multipurpose Room A

    1. Liaisons: Apoorva and Aneesh

    2. Updates:

      1. Sent to review

        1. A little hard to find actual content with all the amazing colors 

        2. “Heritage” is spelled wrong

        3. “Open to everyone” is maybe spelled wrong 

        4. Much better than previous years

        5. They have all their logos

        6. Happy to receive it not a week before their event. 

      2. Wanted to confirm how to secure catering of outside food

        1. They did have a line item for outside catering, but it’s a little late in the game to be submitting this request. 


  1. Hindu YUVA,  “Ganesh Festival,” September 28th, 3:00-7:00 PM, Farrand Field

    1. Liaisons: Allie and Taylor 

    2. Updates:

      1. So many updates

        1. Did switch dates to the 28th (originally the 29th)

          1. Because they didn’t put in requests soon enough 

        2. They were using Presence and not BuffConnect. 

          1. Should now be on BuffConnect

        3. There will be many different emails from Allie in the next week regarding funding because there are many moving parts and new funding items needed. 

        4. Their event was supposed to be on Farrand but Athletics removed them (without asking). 

          1. Will be moving to the Business Field. 

            1. The stage they were going to use is not a thing there, but CU Athletics will pay for the stage and setup. 

        5. They have been informed about being more respectful in emails. 

        6. Have been trying to get them to change advertising. 

      2. I actually have an update after meeting w/ them :) - Alexis

        1. They have not contacted PC yet. 

          1. They had a walkthrough with the rec center and realized that the rec was not providing certain things they assumed they would provide 


  1. Muslim Student Association, “MSA Barbeque,” September 17th, 3:00 PM-no end time, Norlin Quad

    1. Liaisons: Aneesh and Manasa

    2. Post-Event Review

      1. Advertising

        1. The event location was not decided until the day before, hence there was not much advertising which was done.

          1. Location change was never updated on advertising or social media 

      2. Logistics

        1. Event started a bit late than the mentioned time, like around 3:20-3:30pm

        2. They started setting up for the event at 3:00pm which is the event start time

        3. Rec has arranged the things requested for before 3pm itself. So all the games were present much before the actual event started.

        4. They had plastic water bottles given (Did we approve this as part of the budget allocated? ) - I saw that they had bills submitted for water bottles as well.

          1. Were not part of the budget but they did not use CEB funding to purchase them. 

        5. Though there were clear stations organized for recycling and landfill , there were things going the other way around. Maybe if they are going to have a bigger event in future, they can include the RGS team for top sorting.

        6. Food arrived like at 5pm and everyone was waiting for food for really long

      3. Content

        1. They had a different tabling tent related to islam religion promotion

        2. They were also collecting donations- with selling some diyas for Morocco earthquake relief

        3. There was basically nothing much other than playing games and in the end food was served

        4. Mostly there were people from their community and friends and I could not see anyone else who is aware of the event and attended it

        5. There were people who attended the event from Denver University as well from the Muslim community

        6. It was much of playing games provided by Rec

        7. Food was served almost by 5:15pm 

          1. Shortage of food so sandwiches were cut in half. 

        8. In the end, the MSA team was introduced

        9. There was no proper announcements for what is actually going on except for the food serving announcement

      4. Future Notes 

        1. Hiccups with the location finalization may be avoided in future for better advertising

        2. We had previously stressed that they needed to have an educational portion. 

          1. They did have a table, but it sounds more like a social event than an event to spread cultural awareness. 

        3. No responses on post-event survey

        4. Violated bylaws/SFRs

          1. Fundraising 

          2. Event was a social event and not about cultural education/awareness 

          3. Bring them in for a hearing and discuss this with them. 

            1. Beginning the probation process. 


  1. CU Gaming,  “Press Start,” September 17th, 6:00-8:00 PM, UMC Glenn Miller Ballroom

    1. Liaisons: Teagan and Taylor

    2. Post-Event Review

      1. Advertising

        1. Saw it in the UMC 

        2. They posted the wrong advertising online

          1. No times and no logos 

          2. Never took the old one down, but posted the new

      2. Logistics

        1. Event started on time, allegedly 

        2. Nick was not at the event

          1. Not really anyone from CU Gaming there who knew what was going on. 

            1. Their keynote basically did Nick’s job for him. 

          2. Very bad communication issues with CSI and with CEB liaisons 

            1. Did not tell us about event date change

            2. Lack of communication cost CSI additional money

      3. Content

        1. Saw the entire keynote and it was good

        2. More people at the last years event, but the people in the audience got a lot out of the keynote 

        3. Had the philosophy club tabling. 

      4. Future Notes 

        1. Call in for a hearing. 

          1. Repeated disrespectful communication with CEB and CSI.  


  1. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor

      1. Space updates re: changes and athletics - I AM NOT OKAY, we are not ok :(

        1. Aneesh will be meeting with Erin to discuss this. 

          1. You can let Aneesh know any frustrations you have and he will bring these up. 

      2. EP&C outside catering update and process!!

        1. Org sends menu items to Campus Dining Services

        2. Need to seek exemptions before they go to outside catering. 

          1. Start by reaching out to EP&C. 

      3. Let’s start encouraging orgs to use BuffConnect for events??? Especially those with food?! Then we can also send out post-event surveys via there and actually have RSVPs

      4. Update time sheets!

    2. Leg Council Liaison

      1. Bylaws should be in Rules this Friday. 

    3. GPSG Liaison

      1. No Updates other than MSA event

    4. Finance Board Liaison from Madam Chair Allie 

      1. No updates

    5. Student Outreach Coordinator


      2. EP&C

        1. They have been sending out different versions of quotes/confirmations. There has been confusion on our end and student org end. 

        2. Talked to EP&C and told them about the issues with estimations and they said they are trying to resolve it on their end. 

        3. Let Allie know if you have an org that was sent an estimate. 

    6. Marketing Coordinator

      1. Please please please fill out the ASAP if you haven’t already!!

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. Planning the announcing timeline for VD with Alexis and Apoorva— meeting coming up on the 25th.

    8. Secretary/Historian

      1. Took everything off of the board outside the office (that took forever), so now I am going to finally start putting things on it!

      2. Alexis - I never heard back when I put the maintenance request in to hang up the new posters in the office. 

      3. Sent out a newsletter today at 2 PM and have another one scheduled for Friday at 10 AM as a final reminder about applications.

      4. Can liaisons send me final advertising for orgs so I can put it in the newsletter? 

      5. Kellen, can you send me a headshot for the “Meet the Board” outside the CEB office?

    9. Social Media Coordinator 

      1. Storytime (Kinda Serious LMAO) 

      2. Gonna figure out how to push our posts with money- Alexis I shall see you soon 

    10. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

      1. N/A

    11. Webmaster

      1. N/A

    12. Chair

      1. Bylaws this week

      2. Meeting with Erin

      3. Meeting with PC

      4. Price for VD event 

        1. $2 - $5 - $10

      5. Go to the CU Ceramics Event!

  2. Adjourn

    1. 9:55