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Meeting Minutes 02/05/24


  1. Call to Order  


Present: Morgan, Manasa, hanna, Aneesh, marya, Lawrence, Apoorva, & monique 

Absent: Taylor

Secretary: Freya


  1. Open Hearing


  1. Approval of the Minutes


  1. Approval of the Agenda


  1. New Business

    1. Fifth Funding Cycle First Hearings 

      1. 7:15 - Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers - April 5 - 6:00PM-10:00PM - Byron White Club - AAPI All New Years

        1. Liaisons

          1. Freya


        2. Notes

          1. All New Year Festival (title)

          2. Festival overview

            1. 1000 expected attendees

            2. Will be open and free for cu students

            3. Booths featuring country-specific new years traditions

              1. Planned and operated by sase interns and cu student groups 

              2. Each both includes

                1. Informational poster board

                2. Samples of traditional holiday cuisine

            4. Goals

              1. Cultural diversity

                1. Want to highlight the traditions of multiple asian countries

              2. Build community 

                1. Foster a closer CU community by collaborating with other student groups

              3. Cultural inclusivity 

                1. Provide a fun and engaging environment to explore new cultures

        3. Questions

          1. How many booths are expected?

            1. Nine booths

              1. Each booth will be lead by the student organization that corresponds with the country

          2. What kind of food will be provided?

            1. Outside catering each booth would have country-specific food

        4. Discussion

          1. Plays right to our mission statement

          2. Having the booths is a very cool concept

          3. The event is more cultural focused which is amazing

          4. A lot of students have asked for an event like this 

        5. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. SASE’s Mission

            1. Celebrate diversity, professional development, & contributing to local communities 

            2. Welcome all members regardless of background or major

          2. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers All New Year Festival

            1. In Favor - 7 

            2. Abstain - 0

            3. Negations - 0

        6. Post-presentation notes

      2. 7:30 - Verve Collisionz - 7:00 PM-10:00 PM - Macky Auditorium - 15th Annual Competition

        1. Liaisons

          1. Morgan


        2. Notes

          1. Student led street dance crew

          2. Educate people on the history of hip hop and other dance styles 

          3. Create community collaboration through dance

          4. Free entry in the competition

          5. Judges are Denver Schantz and Lisa englken (two hip-hop experts)

        3. Questions

          1. How many groups are participating?

            1. Five teams are expected.

          2. You mentioned speeches?

            1. The event will include educational speeches sparse throughout the event.

            2. The speeches will be given by current members and judges.

        4. Discussion

          1. It would be better if they had someone else do the speeches.

            1. If they are already having experts from the hip-hop community, it makes more sense to have them give the speeches

          2. Have we funded competitions before?

            1. Funded a break-dancing competition in the past 

        5. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Promotes cultural and historical recognition and respect

          2. Continues to act as one of the only street dance events in Colorado

          3. Education and exploration of hip hop culture

          4. Dive into the history of street dance

            1. Features a wide range of different street styles

            2. Inclusion of audience and performers in cultural inclusion and exploration

          5. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Verve Collisionz Street Dance Competition 

            1. In Favor - 6 

            2. Abstain - 1

            3. Negations - 0

        6. Post-presentation notes 

      3. 7:45 - Muslim Student Association  - April 20 - 11:00 AM-9:00 PM - Rec Center - MSA Showdown

        1. Liaisons

          1. Apoorva


        2. Notes

        3. Questions

        4. Discussion

        5. Mission Statement Alignment

        6. Post-presentation notes

      4. 8:00 - Marginalized Genders in Gaming - April 16 - 6:00 PM-8:00 PM - Virtual (zoom or discord) - April Speaker Spotlight

        1. Liaisons

          1. Apoorva

        2. Notes

          1. Featuring Naomi Kyle who is a pioneer in the gaming community, 

          2. one-on-one presentation with a Q&A along with a game night

          3. This event is for anyone interested in this person and this topic as a whole 

        3. Questions

          1. What specifically will the guest be talking about?

            1. A thirty or forty-minute slide show presentation in depth about her experience with game content, how she got into this space, and what she has learned from this journey 

          2. How are you planning on advertising?

            1. Mentioning it in weekly meetings

            2. Postering halfway through the semester

            3. Discord advertising as well 

        4. Discussion

          1. It feels like there is a little too much put into the event in two hours

            1. They were thinking about having the gaming after the event

          2. The speaker seems to have a pretty big following 

          3. They could hold their event in the new Alienware gaming lounge 

        5. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Provide a safe environment for individuals who do not feel comfortable in the regular gaming space

          2. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for Marginalized Genders in Gaming’s Speaker Spotlight Event

            1. In Favor - 7

            2. Abstain - 0

            3. Negations - 0

        6. Post-presentation notes

          1. Use Zoom not Discord.

      5. 8:15 - Health Equity and Applied Learning (HEAL)  - April 10 - 6:00PM-7:00 PM - ECON 117 - Intersection of Global Cultural Awareness and Public Health

        1. Liaisons

          1. Hanna

          2. Monique

        2. Notes

          1. Two speakers from the Her Future Coalition 

            1. Katherine Groetzinger (i) & Amanda Cunningham (ii)

              1. Life transition coach who helps train women to become supporters for those who suffer under human trafficking

                1. Will emphasize the community aspect and cultural aspects of her job 

                2. Will explore the question of what it looks like to navigate cultural differences

              2. Works in the realm of wealth disparity and also has a yoga studio

                1. How does culture intertwine with health as well as wealth disparities? 

          2. A struggle in past events has been attendance

          3. Open to all students 

          4. They hope to collaborate with a variety of student organizations

        3. Questions

          1. What will the format of the event be?

            1.  Two intertwined presentations along with a discussion panel to allow for student questions

          2. Have you thought about working with the Health RAP?

            1. They have worked with them in the past.

            2. They have used their email blast along with having them table their event.

          3. Have you considered working with health-related student services?

            1. Have worked with these groups in the past

        4. Discussion

          1. Very good and clear presentation

          2. Had pretty good turnout in the past

          3. The past events have been successful in the past

          4. The speakers are good choices and they seem to be a good way to share information with students about what is happening around the world

        5. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Public health club that acts as the intersection between health and social justice

          2. Vision is one of health equity to create a world in which everybody can live a health life

          3. Partner organization is Her Future Coalition helps survivors of human trafficking at the systemic level 

          4. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for HEAL's event “Intersection of Global Cultural Awareness and Public Health”

            1. In favor - Abstain - Negation

            2. 7 - 0 - 0

        6. Post-presentation notes

      6. 8:30 - Asian Unity - April 12th - 7:00PM-10:00PM - Byron R. White Club - “Spring Formal and Banquet”

        1. Liaisons

          1. Aneesh  

          2. Monique 

        2. Notes

          1. Passport to Asia

            1. 350-450 people expected

            2. Formal banquet with immersion in different cultures in Asia (variety of student organizations such as SASE, SASA, NSA,...)

            3. Open to all students as well as the public 

            4. Gives students of Asian background an experience that most would not be able to

            5. Performers, food, and raffle

              1. Tiffany Day: Chinese American singer (YouTuber/influencer)

              2. Other student organizations also are performing

        3. Questions

          1. What type of food will be served?

            1. A ton of restaurants have been contacted (a wide variety of Asian restaurants with five caterers requested)

        4. Discussion

          1. Great presentation with a good plan

          2. Liked how this event is more focused, it's like a formal but it's not greek life formal 

        5. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. An RSO student organization centered around building a safe space for students of Asian background or for other students to be more immersed in Asian culture

          2. Meant celebrate diverse asian american identities through social networking and community-building 

            1. Cu embrace culture and celebrate musical bonds

          3. Striving to increase Asian representation across campus

          4. Can build stronger relations with the other RSOs

          5. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for AU's event “Spring Formal and Banquet”

            1. In favor - Abstain - Negation

            2. 6 - 1 - 0

        6. Post-presentation notes

          1. Please have all your quotes in by 5 PM on Friday 

          2. A note on budgeting your food, CEB does not provide full meals, but rather samples of various foods. 

          3. All utensils need to be compostable

      7. 8:45 - South Asian Student Association - April 27th - 6:00PM-9:00PM - Rec Center - SASA Show 2024 

        1. Liaisons

          1. Aneesh 

          2. Manasa

        2. Notes

          1. SASA Show 

            1. A talent showcase where we allow various students to display their talents (focus on celebrating south asian talents especially)

        3. Questions

          1. Is it an open mic night?

            1. Yes 

          2. What is the food at this event?

            1. Their plan is to get food from an indian restaurant 

        4. Discussion

          1. It felt like it was a general talent show but it usually ends up being mostly cultural performers 

        5. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. A social student organization that represents south asian students at CU

          2. Aim to create a diverse community for students to engage and learn about as well as celebrate south asian culture

          3. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for SASA’s event “SASA Show 2024”

            1. Approvals - Abstentions - Negations - 

            2. 6 - 1 - 0

        6. Post-presentation notes

      8. 9:00 - Psychedelics Club  - April 17 - 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM - Wolf Law Building - Cannabis and Psychedelics Symposium 2024

        1. Liaisons

          1. Lawrence Khadka

        2. Notes

          1. Cannabis and Psychedelic Symposium 2024

            1. A tradition on the Cu campus since 2014

            2. Public education forum

            3. Presentations on the cultural history, science, and legislation all connected to psychedelics and cannabis

            4. An in-person experience (this year) with a hybrid Zoom option 

            5. Plan and layout

              1. 2 keynote speakers

                1. Wanda James

                  1. One of the most widely respected leaders in cannabis today

                2. Stephanie Shepard

                  1. Convicted of conspiracy to distribute marijuana in 2010

                  2. Now serves as Last Prisoner Project’s Director of Advocacy

              2. Two panels

                1. Emerging and historical practices of these items

                2. Relations to social justice 

                3. Environmental ethics 

              3. One activist workshop 

                1. Facilitated by two icons in this field

                2. Ramzy Abueta and Brigitte Mars

                  1. Leaders in the Boulder community and have experience in this field 

        3. Questions

          1. N/A

        4. Discussion

          1. Breaks away from the fact that culture is just identity 

          2. Love the emphasis on regional culture 

        5. Mission Statement Alignment

          1. Had a significant aim of promoting social and racial justice by empowering underrepresented voices

          2. Motion to approve mission statement alignment for CU Psychedelics' event “Cannabis and Psychedelics Symposium 2024”

            1. In favor - Abstain - Negation

            2. 7 - 0 - 0

        6. Post-presentation notes

          1. Don’t recruit at your event.


  1. Fifth Funding Cycle Second Readings

    1. Black Student Alliance - April 6th- 5:00PM-10:00 PM - Folsom Field - “Unapologetically Black Formal”

      1. Liaisons

        1. Apoorva 

      2. Notes

        1. Food - $6,408.00

          1. Rae’s & Kay’s - $1,298.00 - $1,298.00

          2. Food unknown vendor - $4,110.00 - incomplete quote

          3. Food unknown vendor - $1,000 - incomplete quote

        2. Printing - $45.00 - no quote provided

        3. Advertising - $400.00 - $400.00

        4. Speaker/performer - $450.00 - unofficial quote

      3. Total - $1,698.00 - $7,303.00

      4. Discussion

        1. We will want to make sure that they come back with the other quotes from the other food vendors

      5. Motion to approve

        1. Motion to approve $1,698.00 for BSA’s “Unapologetically Black Formal” 

          1. In favor - Abstain - Negations -

          2. 7 - 0 - 0

      6. Budgetary Questions/Comments

        1.  Locating the rest of their quotes

    2. Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Association - April 5th (12:00-5:00PM) & April 6th (9:00AM-5:00PM) - Will Vill MPR - “Spring Conference”

      1. Liaisons

        1. Manasa

        2. Freya 

      2. Notes

        1. Airfare - $600.00 -

        2. Lodging - $476.00 -

          1. 2 nights

        3. Speaker Fee - $6,200.00 - 

        4. Food - $2,000.00 -

          1. Breakfast and Lunch from EP&C

        5. Space Rental - $778.00 -

          1. Williams Village

        6. Printing - $34.00 - $500.00

          1. Upped to max fundable amount

        7. Parts/Materials/Supplies - $427.50 -

          1. T-shirts (8) - No quote and not factored into line item total

          2. Folders (50 Raplie Logo from Bookstore) - $99.50

          3. Lanyards (50 Custom) - $23.00

          4. Stickers (125 Custom) - $127.5

          5. Stickers (250 Custom) - $177.5

      3. Total - $10,515.50 - $10,981.50

        1. The second number is the new total with the printing adjustment

      4. Discussion

        1. Their budget had a few issues

      5. Motion to approve

        1. Motion to approve $10,981.50 for Spanish and Portuguese Graduate Association’s “Spring Conference”

          1. In favor - Abstain - Negate

          2. 7 - 0 - 0

      6. Budgetary Questions/Comments

        1. We might ask them to get an all inclusive quote for their speaker.   

    3. African Student Association - April 13th - 6:00PM-10:00PM - Rec Center’s Lower Basketball Courts - “A Tour of Africa”

      1. Liaisons

        1. Marya  

      2. Notes

        1. Food - $7,714.13 -

          1. Kenyan cuisine - $350.00

          2. Soda - $618.75

          3. 5Ladies - $2,175.00

          4. Halal Guys - $1,750.75

          5. Lucy’s - $2,000.00 

          6. Sweet pepper kitchen - $820.00

        2. Space Rental - $1,000.00 - waiting on quote

        3. Equipment Rental - $1,000.00 - - waiting on quote

        4. Costumes/Decorations - $1,234.35 - 

        5. Speaker/Performer - $375.00 -

        6. Advertising - $300.00 - 

      3. Total - $9,623.48 - $11,623.48

      4. Discussion

        1. They did show that they run out of food last event

        2. They are still waiting on their equipment and space rental

      5. Motion to approve

        1. Motion to approves $9,623.48 for African Student Association’s “A Tour of Africa”

          1. In favor - Abstain - Negations

          2. 7 - 0 - 0

      6. Budgetary Questions/Comments


    4. Nepalese Student Association - April 20th - 4:00PM-10:30PM - Glenn Miller - “Nepal Night 2024”  

      1. Liaisons

        1. Lawrence  

        2. Aneesh

      2. Notes

        1. Food - $14,077.10 -

          1. EP&C

        2. Space Rental - $1,037.56

          1. EP&C

        3. AV - $4,247.00

          1. PC

        4. Advertising - $437.00

        5. - $1,414.15

        6. Performer - $13,000.00

          1. all-inclusive 

      3. Total - $34,212.81 

      4. Discussion

      5. Motion to approve

        1. Motion to approve $34,212.81 for NSA’s “Nepal Night 2024”

          1. In favor - Abstain - Negations

          2. 6 - 1 - 0  

      6. Budgetary Questions/Comments


    5. International Festival Committee  - April 21st - 3:00PM-7:00PM - Glenn Miller Ballroom - International Festival 2024

      1. Liaisons

        1. Taylor 

        2. Aneesh 

      2. Notes

        1. Speaker/Performer - $850.00

          1. Shaolin

        2. Space Rental - $1,489.35

        3. Security - $780.21

          1. CUPD

        4. Parking $275.00

        5. Food - $16,500.68

          1. EP&C

        6. AV - $5,128.00

        7. Costumes/Decorations - $3,525.81

        8. - $4,493.20 - $0.00

        9. Printing - $500.00

        10. Advertising - $420

        11. Labor - $3,750.00

      3. Total - $37,712.25 - $33,219.05

      4. Discussion

        1. The gifts/awards/prizes are worth looking at 

        2. We haven’t funded this stuff in the past

      5. Motion to approve

        1. Motion to approve $33,219.05 for International Festival Committee’s “International Festival 2024”

          1. In favor - Abstain - Negations

          2. 6 - 1 - 0

      6. Budgetary Questions/Comments


  2. Applications

      1. Motion to grant JC an interview

      2. In favor - Abstain - Negations

      3. 7 - 0 - 0

      1. Motion to grant KE an interview

      2. In favor - Abstain - Negations

      3. 7 - 0 - 0

      1. Motion to grant ST an interview

      2. In favor - Abstain - Negations

      3. 7 - 0 - 0

      1. Motion to grant SG an interview

      2. In favor - Abstain - Negations

      3. 7 - 0 - 0


  1. Old Business

    1. Third Funding Cycle 

      1. CU Ceramics - “CU Ceramics Club: Visiting Artist Series Spring 2024” - Visual Arts Complex 1B20 (Auditorium) & 175 (Ceramics Common Studio) - February 1st and 2nd - 5:30-6:30 PM

        1. Liaisons: Apoorva and Hanna

        2. Updates:

        3. Post-Event Review

          1. Advertising

            1. If they do this event next year they should do more advertising because then the event would have been more heavily attended.

          2. Logistics

            1. The talk did happen

            2. The events did happen. 

            3. The demonstration space was empty towards the end.

          3. Content

            1. 51 people showed up

            2. One of the experts talked about ecocriticism 

            3. Speakers didn’t use a mic 

          4. Future Notes

            1. Buff Connect should include all people who want to be included in emails.

            2. Communication was severely lacking. 

            3. Potential probation. 

      2. CUBASGA - “CUBASGA Conference” at UMC - Aspen Rooms, UMC-247 - February 24th and 25th - 9 AM - 6 PM

        1. Liaisons: Monique and Marya

        2. Updates:

          1. No updates 

      3. Saudi Student Association - “Saudi Foundation Day 2024” - Will Vill - February 24 - 4-10 PM

        1. Liaisons: Taylor and Freya

        2. Updates:

          1. New advertising with updated information was submitted. 

            1. They did not make the fonts bigger so they need to make the fonts bigger. 

            2. If they plan to print it physically they need to make it bigger.

      4. Vietnamese Student Association - “VSA Culture Show” - GMB - February 24 - 5-10 PM 

        1. Liaisons: Aneesh and Taylor

        2. Updates:

          1. No updates

    2. Fourth Funding Cycle

      1. TExCU - “TEDxCU” - March 2nd, 2-7 PM, Macky Auditorium

        1. Liaisons: Apoorva and Manasa

        2. Updates:

          1. Have some sponsors they want approval for

            1.  Ben and Jerrys

              1. Agreed to ~9,000 dollars of Product, along with "scoopers'' (employees there to scoop ice cream) for the day of the event as audience members leave. 

              2. They signed up for the "Platinum Agreement" 

            2. Federal Emergency Management Agency 

              1. Reached out to us offering to donate 5,000 dollars with nothing in return including no sponsorships or promotions of FEMA. These funds, if approved by you all, will be received in May. 

            3. IFC on the Hill

              1. Wants to give them 2500 dollars for sponsorship

      2. Sigma Psi Zeta - “Culture Shock”  - March 9th, 6:30 PM-10:30 PM, Glenn Miller Ballroom

        1. Liaisons: Aneesh and Lawrence

        2. Updates:

          1. $154 for for Headliner

          2. Motion to approve $154 for F&B for Headliner

            1. In favor - Abstain - Negations

            2. 7 - 0 - 0

  2. Officer Reports

    1. Advisor

      1. LS SAFE concerns and updates

    2. Leg Council Liaison

    3. GPSG Liaison

      1. No Updates

    4. Finance Board Liaison

      1. Budget reports on the Feb 13th

    5. Student Outreach Coordinator

    6. Marketing Coordinator

      1. CEB announcement posts & live on socials - TOMORROW

        1. SA Comm & SRC to follow with announcements on Wed. Feb. 7

      2. Spring Retreat

        1. April 6th - 12 pm - 4 pm and then go to BSA

        2. April 13th - 2 pm - 5:30 pm and then go to ASA

    7. Speakers Coordinator

      1. LS ticketing updates

      2. Moderators?

    8. Secretary/Historian

      1. N/A

    9. Social Media Coordinator 

    10. Assistant Speakers Coordinator

    11. Webmaster

      1. N/A

    12. Chair

      1. Looking ahead (there’s light at the end of the tunnel)

        1. 02/12

          1. Finishing second readings

          2. Interviews

          3. Any unfinished business

  3. Adjourn

    1. 10:05pm