Published: April 29, 2019

BSI and UROP Student Scholars

CUChange wishes a huge congratulations to our five undergraduates who were named either BSI or UROP undergraduates scholars this Spring! The Biological Sciences Initiative (BSI) and the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) both make awards to students to support them in pursuing an independent research project over the course of the Summer or the academic year. We are proud to announce that five of our amazing undergraduates-- (from left to right) Julia Friedman (Chemical and Biological Engineering), Ivy Zhou (Chemical Engineering, minor in Computer Science), Mohammad Habib (Neuroscience and Psychology), Benji Morris (Computer Science and Neuroscience) and Jerry Ma (Integrative Physiology and Business Finance; not pictured) were accepted with their projects listed below. Additionally, Benji Morris' previous BSI project was accepted as a poster at the 31st American Psychological Society (APS) Annual Convention in Washington D.C., for which he also received a Professional and Academic Conference Endowment (PACE) Grant towards cost of attendance. These students have done amazing work at CUChange and we are thrilled to support them in their continuing success.

Julia Friedman (deferred due to study abroad) BSI: The Role of Gender in Anxiolytic Responses to Cannabis and Its Constituent Cannabinoids

Mohammad Habib听BSI: Sex and Gender Differences in Anxiety Levels Assessed by Novel Rumination Induction Task

Jerry Ma听UROP:听 Impact of Marijuana Use on the Gut Microbiome in Relation to Overall Anxiety Levels

Benji Morris听UROP: Promoter SNP-dependent variation in exercise-mediated cytokine changes in connection with depression and executive function in older adults

Ivy Zhou听UROP: Impact of High Potency Cannabis Concentrates and Tobacco Co-Use on Gut Microbiome Diversity