Paul Ziemann
Professor • Institute Fellow, CIRES
Chemistry • Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)

Office: Cristol 434


笔丑.顿.:听Penn State, 1991

Areas of Expertise

Aerosols & Clouds, Instrument Development, Trace Gases & Radicals, Environmental Chemistry, Atmospheric/Astrochemistry

Awards and Honors

2001 Kenneth T. Whitby Award, American Association for Aerosol Research

The primary focus of our group's research is to elucidate mechanisms by which volatile organic compounds emitted from biogenic and anthropogenic sources react in the atmosphere to form products that can create submicron-size organic aerosol particles. These reactions are complex and include photochemistry, gas-phase oxidation, and heterogeneous/multiphase reactions. The resulting particles affect global climate, visibility, and human health. We conduct experiments in large-volume environmental chambers under simulated atmospheric conditions and then identify and quantify organic gas and aerosol reaction products using a variety of analytical instruments and methods. This information is used to develop detailed, quantitative chemical reaction mechanisms for predicting organic aerosol formation, which can be used to improve air quality and global climate models.聽We also conduct laboratory, field, and modeling studies of indoor air chemistry.

  • Liu, J., Russell, L.M., Ruggeri, G., Takahama, S., Claflin, M.S.,聽Ziemann, P.J., Pye, H.O.T., Murphy, B.N., Xu, L., Ng, N.L., McKinney,聽K.A., Budisulistiorini, S.H., Bertram, T.H., Nenes. A., Surratt, J.D.,聽2018. Regional similarities and NOx-related increases in biogenic聽secondary organic aerosol in summertime Southeastern U.S. Journal of聽Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 10620鈥10636.

  • Pagonis, D., Ziemann, P.J, 2018. Chemistry of hydroperoxycarbonyls in聽secondary organic aerosol, Aerosol Science and Technology, 52,聽1178鈥1193.

  • Claflin, M.S., Krechmer, J.E., Hu, W., Jimenez, J.-L., Ziemann, P.J.,聽2018. Functional group composition of secondary organic aerosol formed聽from ozonolysis of a鈥憄inene under high VOC and autoxidation聽conditions, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2, 1196鈥1210.

  • Petters, S.S., Kreidenweis, S.M., Grieshop, A. P., Ziemann, P.J.,聽Petters, M.D., 2019. Temperature鈥 and humidity鈥恉ependent phase states聽of secondary organic aerosols. Geophysical Research Letters, 46,1005鈥1013.

  • Algrim, L.B., Ziemann, P.J., 2019. Effect of the hydroxyl group on聽yields and composition of organic aerosol formed from OH
    radical-initiated reactions of alcohols in the presence of NOx.聽ACS-Earth and Space Chemistry, 3, 413鈥423.

  • Claflin, M.S., Ziemann, P.J., 2019. Thermal desorption behavior of聽hemiacetal, acetal, ether, and ester oligomers, Aerosol Science and聽Technology, 53, 473鈥484.聽

  • Pagonis, D., Price, D.J., Algrim, L.B., Day, D.A., Handschy, A.V.聽Stark, H., Miller, S.L., de Gouw, J., Jimenez, J.L., Ziemann, P.J.,聽2019. Time-resolved measurements of indoor chemical emissions,聽deposition, and reactions in a university art museum. Environmental聽Science and Technology, 53, 4794鈥4802.

  • Finewax, Z., de Gouw, J.A., Ziemann, P.J., 2019. Products and聽secondary organic aerosol yields from the OH and NO3 radical-initiated聽oxidation of resorcinol. ACS-Earth and Space Chemistry, 3,1248鈥1259.

  • Liu, X., Deming, B., Pagonis,D., Day, D.A., Palm, B.B., Talukdar, R.,聽Roberts, J.M., Veres, P.R., Krechmer, J.E., Thronton, J.A., de Gouw,聽J.A., Ziemann, P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2019. Effects of gas-wall聽interactions on measurements of semivolatile compounds and small polar聽molecules. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 12, 3137鈥3149.

  • Deming, B.L., Pagonis,D., Liu, X., Day, D.A., Talukdar, R., Krechmer,聽J.E., de Gouw, J., Jimenez, J.L, Ziemann, P.J., 2019. Measurements of聽delays of gas-phase compounds in a wide variety of tubing materials聽due to gas鈥搘all interactions. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 12,聽3453鈥3461.

  • Pagonis, D., Algrim, L.B., Price, D.J., Day, D.A., Handschy, A.V.,聽Stark, H., Miller, S.L., de Gouw, J.A., Jimenez, J.L., Ziemann, P.J.,聽2019. Autoxidation of limonene in a university art museum.聽Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 6, 520鈥524.

  • Liu, X., Day, D.A., Krechmer, J.E., Brown, W., Peng, Z., Ziemann,聽P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2019. Direct measurements of semi-volatile聽organic compound dynamics show near-unity mass accommodation聽coefficients for diverse aerosols. Communications Chemistry, 2.98.

  • Matsunaga, A., Ziemann, P.J., 2019. Branching ratios and rate聽constants for decomposition and isomerization of 尾-hydroxyalkoxy聽radicals formed from OH radical-initiated reactions of C6鈥揅13聽2-methyl-1-alkenes in the presence of NOx. Journal of Physical聽Chemistry A, 123, 7839鈥7846.

  • Price, D.J., Day, D.A., Pagonis, D., Stark, H., Algrim, L.B.,聽Handschy, A.V., Liu, S., Krechmer, J.E., Miller, S.L., Hunter, J.F.,聽de Gouw, J.A., Ziemann, P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2019. The budgets of聽organic carbon composition and oxidation in indoor air. Environmental聽Science and Technology, 53, 13053鈥13063.

  • Bakker-Arkema, J.G., Ziemann, P.J., 2020. Measurements of kinetics and聽equilibria for the condensed phase reactions of hydroperoxides with聽carbonyls to form peroxyhemiacetals. ACS-Earth and Space Chemistry, 4,聽467鈥475.

  • Algrim, L.B, Ziemann, P.J., 2020. Effect of the nitrate group on聽yields and composition of secondary organic aerosol formed from聽reactions of alkyl nitrates with OH radicals in the presence of NOx.聽Aerosol Science and Technology, 54, 1070鈥1082.

  • Algrim, L.B, Pagonis, D., de Gouw, J.A., Jimenez, J.L., Ziemann, P.J.,聽2020. Measurements and modeling of the absorptive partitioning of聽volatile organic compounds to painted surfaces. Indoor Air, 30,聽745鈥756.

  • Deming, B.L., Ziemann, P.J., 2020. Quantification of alkenes on indoor聽surfaces and implications for sources and sinks. Indoor Air, 30,聽914鈥924.

  • Aimanant, S., Ziemann, P.J., 2013. Chemical mechanisms of aging of aerosol formed from the reaction of n-pentadecane with OH radicals in the presence of NOx. Aerosol Science and Technology, 47, 979-990.
  • Strollo, C.M., Ziemann, P.J., 2013. Products and mechanism of secondary organic aerosol formation from the reaction of 3-methylfuran with OH radicals in the presence of NOx. Atmospheric Environment, 77, 534-543.
  • Yeh, G.K., Ziemann, P.J., 2014. Alkyl nitrate formation from the reactions of C8鈭扖14 n鈥慳lkanes with OH radicals in the presence of NOx:
  • Measured yields with essential corrections for gas鈭抴all partitioning. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118, 8147-8157.
  • Suda, S.R., Petters, M.D., Yeh, G.K., Strollo, C.S., Matsunaga, A., Faulhaber, A., Ziemann, P.J., Prenni, A.J., Carrico, C.M., Sullivan, R.C., Kreidenweis, S.M. 2014. Influence of functional groups on organic aerosol cloud condensation nucleus activity. Environmental Science and Technology, 48, 10182鈥10190.
  • Yeh, G.K., Ziemann, P.J., 2014. Identification and yields of 1,4-hydroxynitrates formed from the reactions of C8鈭扖16 n鈥慳lkanes with OH radicals in the presence of NOx. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118, 8797-8806.
  • Yeh, G. K., Ziemann, P.J., 2015. Gas-wall partitioning of oxygenated organic compounds: Measurements, structure鈥揳ctivity relationships, and correlation with gas chromatographic retention factor. Aerosol Science and Technology, 49, 726-737.
  • Yeh, G.K., Claflin, M.S., Ziemann, P.J., 2015. Products and mechanism of the reaction of 1鈥憄entadecene with NO3 radicals and the effect of a 鈭扥NO2 group on alkoxy radical decomposition. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119, 10684-10696.
  • Strollo, C.M., Ziemann, P.J., 2016. Investigation of the formation of benzoyl peroxide, benzoic anhydride, and other potential aerosol products from gas-phase reactions of benzoylperoxy radicals.
  • Atmospheric Environment, 130, 202鈥210.
  • Ranney, A.P., Ziemann, P.J., 2016. Microscale spectrophotometric methods for quantification of functional groups in oxidized organic aerosol. Aerosol Science and Technology, 50, 881鈥892.
  • Ranney, A.P., Ziemann, P.J., 2016. Kinetics of acid-catalyzed dehydration of cyclic hemiacetals in aerosol particles in equilibrium with nitric acid vapor. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120, 2561鈥2568.
  • Krechmer, J.E., Pagonis, D., Ziemann, P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2016. Quantification of gas-wall partitioning in teflon environmental chambers using rapid bursts of low-volatility oxidized species generated in situ. Environmental Science and Technology, 50, 5757鈥5765.
  • Algrim, L.B., Ziemann, P.J., 2016. Effect of the keto group on yields and composition of organic aerosol formed from OH radical-initiated reactions of ketones in the presence of NOx. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120, 6978鈥6989.
  • Liu, S., Li, R., Wild, R.J., Warneke, C., de Gouw, J.A., Brown, S.S., Miller, S.L., Luongo, J.C., Jimenez, J.L., Ziemann, P.J., 2016.Contribution of human-related sources to indoor volatile organic compounds in a university classroom. Indoor Air, 925鈥938.Ranney, A.P., Ziemann, P.J., 2017. Identification and quantification of oxidized organic aerosol compounds using derivatization, liquid chromatography, and chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Aerosol Science and Technology, 51, 342鈥33.
  • Liu, S., Thompson, S.L., Stark, H., Ziemann, P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2017. Gas-phase carboxylic acids in a university classroom: abundance, variability, and sources. Environmental Science and Technology, 51, 5454鈥5463.
  • Krechmer, J.E., Day, D.A., Ziemann, P.J., Jimenez, J.L., 2017. Direct measurements of gas/particle partitioning and mass accommodation coefficients in environmental chambers. Environmental Science and Technology, 51, 11867鈥11876.
  • Petters, S.S., Pagonis, D., Claflin, M.S., Levin, E.J.T., Petters, M.D., Ziemann, P.J., Kreidenweis, S.M., 2017. Hygroscopicity of organic compounds as a function of carbon chain length and carboxyl, hydroperoxy, and carbonyl functional groups. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121, 5164鈥5174.
  • Liu, J., Russell, L.M., Lee, A.K.Y., McKinney, K.A., Surratt, J.D., Ziemann, P.J., 2017. Observational evidence for pollution-influenced selective uptake contributing to biogenic secondary organic aerosols in the southeastern U.S. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 8056鈥8064, doi:10.1002/2017GL074665.
  • Pagonis, D., Krechmer, J.E., de Gouw, J., Jimenez, J.L, Ziemann, P.J., 2017. Effects of gas鈥搘all partitioning in Teflon tubing and instrumentation on time-resolved measurements of gas-phase organic compounds. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10, 4687鈥4696.
  • Finewax, Z., de Gouw, J.A., Ziemann, P.J., 2018. Identification and聽quantification of 4-nitrocatechol formed from OH and NO3聽radical-initiated reactions of catechol in air in the presence of NOx:聽Implications for secondary organic aerosol formation from biomass聽burning. Environmental Science and Technology, 52, 1981鈥1989.
  • Claflin, M.S., Ziemann, P.J., 2018. Identification and quantitation of aerosol products of the reaction of 尾-pinene with NO3 radicals and implications for gas- and particle-phase reaction mechanisms. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122, 3640鈥3652.