Published: March 11, 2022


  • Phyllis Gates Fenger (Fren鈥42)
  • Kay L. Berry (ChemEngr鈥44)
  • Alice Odell Brink (A&S ex鈥45)
  • Whipple Leonard Nutley (MusEdu鈥45)
  • Rosemary Todd Hegstrom (Art'46)
  • Mary Kistler Maltry (A&S鈥46)聽
  • Lena Spano Raymond (DistSt鈥47)
  • Ruth Bealer Mitick (PE鈥48)
  • Barbara Johns Carlton (Nurs鈥49)
  • Marie Babich Cole (DistSt鈥49)
  • Marie Josephine Cole (DistSt鈥49)
  • Patricia Moyer Darley (Chem鈥49)
  • Betty E. Jackson (Mus'48; MA'49; MusEdu鈥63)
  • Montfort A. Johnsen (MChem鈥49)
  • Gloria E. Cowan Kessinger (Nurs ex鈥49)
  • Janet McSween Price (Bus, Mus'49)
  • Maryann Grometer Strain (DistSt鈥49)聽


  • Edward C. Arbuckle (Engr鈥50)聽
  • Richard J. Bernick (Law鈥50)
  • Robert W. Cox (Mktg鈥50)
  • Thomas S. Guggenheim (Mktg鈥50)
  • Maxine Standifer Hicks (Nurs鈥50)
  • Wesley P. Horner (Geol鈥50; MA'54)
  • Sylvia Stone Irvin (DistSt鈥50)聽
  • Wesley C. Kettelkamp Jr. (Law鈥50)
  • Carlo J. Montera (ElEngr鈥50)聽
  • Morley Robinson (CivEngr鈥50)
  • Beth Thornton Usrey (Bus鈥50)
  • Raymond A. Wilhite (ElEngr鈥50)
  • Shirley Hart Archer (Fren鈥51)聽
  • Paul E. Bartlett (CivEngr, Mgmt鈥51; MCivEngr鈥56)聽
  • Phyllis Carlson Bender (Edu鈥51)聽
  • John J. Bolln (ChemEngr鈥51)聽
  • William E. Davis (PE鈥51; EdD鈥63)
  • Ralph G. Goley (ArchEngr鈥51)
  • Nancy Long (A&S鈥51)
  • Donna Whiting Maguire (Edu鈥51)
  • Nancy Seebass Mercure (Soc鈥51)
  • Genevieve Duce Mortenson (A&S鈥51)
  • Marcia Tozer Osborn (A&S鈥51)
  • Richard A. Snyder (EngrPhys, Fin鈥51)聽
  • Leonard H. Beisheim Jr. (A&S鈥52)聽
  • William W. Cartozian (Mgmt鈥52)聽
  • Richard C. Dillon (CivEngr鈥52)聽
  • Jerald L. Gill (BusEdu鈥52)聽
  • Stanley E. Gray (Fren鈥52)聽
  • Gwendolyn Firth Koelling (Ger鈥52)聽
  • John R. Samuel (CivEngr鈥52)聽
  • R. Leo Sprinkle (DistSt鈥52; MPerServ鈥56)
  • James M. Flynn (Mktg鈥53)聽
  • Susan Day Hart (A&S鈥53)聽
  • John W. Horton (A&S鈥53; MD鈥60)
  • Billie Burnham Lesh (Mktg鈥53)
  • Harvey K. Litvack (A&S鈥53; MArt鈥54)聽
  • Phyllis Mclaughlin Gibbs (A&S鈥53)聽
  • Wallace S. Paulson (ArchEngr鈥53; MCivEngr鈥69)聽
  • Lloyd G. Baysdorfer (MGer鈥54)聽
  • Charles E. Butler (Law鈥54)聽
  • John S. Endicott (ArchEngr鈥54)聽
  • Joyce Anderson Esbensen (Edu鈥54)聽
  • Alan F. Fox (Mktg鈥54)
  • Anne Worthington Huff (A&S鈥54)聽聽
  • Gretchen Seltzer Karakas (A&S鈥54)聽
  • Phyllis Martin Levitt (Nurs鈥54)聽
  • G. Patricia Hill Lloyd (Edu鈥54)
  • Robert E. Reininga (ChemEngr鈥54)聽
  • Royal L. Shepherd (Geol鈥54; MS鈥68)聽
  • Frank N. Summerside (MMusEdu鈥54)
  • Arthur L. Bunn (A&S鈥55)聽
  • Gilbert A. Cotta (MechEngr鈥55; MS鈥56)
  • Blanche Shidler Greenberg (A&S鈥55; MEdu鈥71)
  • Charles Husted (Bus鈥55; MAcct鈥60)聽
  • Nancy E. Nelson (DistSt鈥55; MD鈥59)聽
  • Lyal E. Quinby Jr. (Mktg鈥55; MS鈥58)
  • Arlis Baughman Riedel (HomeEcon鈥55)聽
  • Patricia A. Schuessler (DistSt鈥55)聽
  • John W. Siple (Geol鈥55)
  • Marlene Williams Stanford (DistSt鈥55)聽
  • J. S. Wagner (MEdu鈥55; MA鈥60)聽
  • Robert S. Webb (Acct鈥55)
  • George W. Whitney (Geol ex鈥55)聽
  • Anne Mook Barton (A&S鈥56)聽
  • Jack N. Bell (ArchEngr鈥56)聽
  • Richard L. Marx (A&S鈥56)聽
  • Robert E. Massey (ElEngr鈥56)聽
  • E. Tom Pyle (Acct鈥56)聽
  • Ruth E. Cruikshank (Nurs鈥57)聽
  • Margaret Blackadar Dean (MA&S鈥57)聽
  • Margaret Williams Doole (A&S鈥57)
  • A. James Gielissen (ArchEngr鈥57)
  • Russell Kreider (PE鈥57)聽
  • Eddie F. Lucero (AeroEngr鈥57)
  • James A. McDaniel (PE鈥57)
  • Charles G. Mull (A&S鈥57; MGeol鈥60)
  • Leo A. Remley Jr. (ElEngr鈥57)
  • John-David Sullivan (Law鈥57)
  • Robert G. Swanson (Geol鈥57)
  • Richard E. Thornburg (ArchEngr鈥57)聽
  • Dale A. Berndt (PolSci鈥58)聽
  • Marsha Walb Heller (Psych鈥58)
  • Thomas P. Johnston (Art鈥58)聽
  • Karl T. Matz (Psych鈥58)
  • C. Richard McKinley (A&S鈥58; MD鈥62)聽
  • Joseph W. McKinley Jr. (MBasSci, Chem鈥58)
  • Harvey W. Reinking Jr. (CivEngr鈥58; MBA鈥69)聽
  • Kenneth C. Ruzich (EngrPhys鈥58)
  • Mary Smith Wurtz (Edu鈥58)
  • Carol Bartlett Benner (BusEdu鈥59)聽
  • Judith Hanser Davis (A&S鈥59)
  • John W. Elwell (PolSci鈥59; MPubAd鈥64)
  • William M. Foulk (Mgmt鈥59)
  • Frank W. Gappa (Jour鈥59)聽
  • R. Allan Glover (Law鈥59)聽
  • Anne E. Golseth (Engl鈥59)聽
  • Roburta Brodie Herzog (Edu鈥59)
  • James W. McAnally (ElEngr鈥59)
  • Oscar R. Pieper (Fin鈥59)聽
  • Jean Ann Tribolet (MA&S鈥59)
  • Theodore D. Zeller (A&S ex鈥59)


  • Patricia Young Burt Bashford (MSpch鈥60)聽
  • John N. Collins (Acct鈥60)聽
  • Nancy Dixon Davidson (PolSci鈥60)聽
  • Edmund H. Garrett (Advert鈥60)
  • Sarah Scheiman Kitch (A&S鈥60)聽
  • Gerald W. Moore聽 (A&S ex鈥60)
  • Charles W. Nagel (ElEngr; Mgmt鈥60)聽聽
  • A. J. Nichols III (ElEngrBus鈥60)
  • Richard H. Prater (MPhys鈥60)
  • Kenneth J. Schulteis (Mktg鈥60)
  • Edward M. Sitzberger (MechEngr鈥60)聽
  • Christopher C. Smith (Bio鈥60)聽
  • Orval F. Thorson III (A&S鈥60; MA鈥62)聽
  • Dorothy L. Hollenbeck (MPE鈥61)聽
  • Ralph H. Kratz (ArchEngr鈥61)聽
  • Barney F. Leveau (MPE鈥61)聽
  • Larry E. Longstreth (Edu鈥61; PhD鈥70)聽
  • Stanley N. Marker II (A&S ex鈥61)聽
  • Harriet Barron Niss (Edu鈥61)
  • Wallace D. Palmer (ArchEngr鈥61)聽
  • Lawrence G. Richards (ElEngr鈥61)聽
  • Robert A. Ristinen (MPhys鈥61; PHD鈥62)聽
  • Frank Rosenmayr (Bus, MechEngr鈥61)
  • Andras Kalman Szakal (A&S鈥61; MA鈥63)聽
  • William E. Woods (ElEngr鈥61)聽
  • Thomas S. Alexander (A&S鈥62)聽
  • E. James Andrews Jr. (A&S鈥62)聽
  • Reginald D. Barnes Jr. (PolSci鈥62)聽
  • Howard M. Beck (A&S鈥62)聽
  • Richard W. Blackmar (Bus鈥62)聽
  • Dan Boyd (Bus鈥62)聽
  • Judith James Chamberlin (Edu鈥62)聽
  • Peter M. Emrich (Bus鈥62)
  • Mary Hondros Fay (PolSci鈥62)
  • Lucy J. Hall (A&S鈥62; MPubAd鈥75)
  • Bob H. Helming (A&S鈥62)
  • David F. Kennedy (A&S鈥62)
  • Gladys H. Scott Kenney (A&S鈥62)聽
  • Kay Kramer McGinnis (A&S鈥62)
  • David J. Wheaton (AeroEngr鈥62)聽
  • Frances Cooley Abram (Mus鈥63)聽
  • Frederick W. Berg (MA&S鈥63)聽
  • H. Scott Fogler (MChemEngr鈥63; PhD鈥65)
  • Lawrence L. Huxel (Math鈥63)
  • Lloyd A. Nelson (BusEdu鈥63)
  • Gary E. White (Acct鈥63)
  • Gary L. Greer (Law鈥64)聽
  • Frederick K. Kleene Jr. (MechEngr ex鈥64)
  • William E. McCarthy (A&S鈥64)
  • James Minard (PhDPsych鈥64)
  • Albert T. Nolan (MBasSci鈥64)
  • Charles M. Richard (MApMath鈥64)
  • James R. Calhoun III (Fin鈥65)
  • Hossein Dastmalchian (MechEngr鈥65)
  • Charlotte Crenshaw McDaniel (Hist鈥65)
  • Charles C. Richards Jr. (Mktg鈥65)
  • Nancy Ferguson Robinson (A&S鈥65)
  • John T. Sprott (A&S鈥65)
  • Pamela Lovejoy Beaumont (Mktg鈥66; MBA鈥68)聽
  • Susan Brueckner Browning (Nurs鈥66; MS鈥80; MS鈥81)
  • Keith L. Kaminski (Acct鈥66)聽
  • Peter Anthony Massaro (ElEngr鈥66; MS鈥72)
  • Judith Karnath Robertson (Psych鈥66)聽
  • Gordon D. Smith (A&S鈥66)聽
  • Judy Zimmerman Veydovec (Nurs鈥66)聽
  • Gyanne Shipman Cellar (Art鈥67)聽
  • Margery Gaffey Coates (A&S鈥67; MEdu鈥82)
  • Donald V. Good (A&S鈥67)聽
  • Gary R. Haynes (Bus, CivEngr鈥67)
  • Nancy Lee Hope (MA&S鈥67)
  • Joan K. Lutz (Edu鈥67)聽
  • Hilary Hitch Parker (A&S鈥67)聽
  • Karen McCarthy Pfeiffer (A&S鈥67)聽
  • Ralph H. Scheuer (A&S鈥67)
  • Philip N. Scott III (CivEngr鈥67; MS鈥68)
  • Elizabeth Weigand Viele (MNurs鈥67)聽
  • Michael L. Cruth (Engl鈥68)
  • Sondra J. Gamzer (MMusEdu鈥68)
  • Lois English Hay (Span鈥68; MEdu鈥81)
  • Kenneth A. Juul (Mgmt鈥68)
  • Thomas D. Leadabrand (Hist鈥68)
  • Warren G. Lindbloom (Acct鈥68)
  • Vivian VanDyke McCullough (Math鈥68)
  • James A. Patterson Jr. (MPE鈥68)
  • Victoria E. Ruwitch (Engl鈥68)
  • Richard J. Shereikis (PhDA&S鈥68)
  • Michael K. Berry (Hist鈥69, MA鈥74)
  • Robert Emerson Cull (Mgmt鈥69; MBA鈥70)
  • Richard H. Fashbaugh (PhDMech鈥69)
  • James G. Force (Econ鈥69)
  • James R. Lampson (Mktg鈥69)
  • Norman Jay Peterson (A&S鈥69; PhDPhil鈥80)
  • Simone J. Vincens (PhDFren鈥69)


  • Robert D. Bolen (A&S鈥70; PhDComm鈥84)
  • Jerry G. Horn (PhDEdu鈥70)聽
  • Mary Ann Howell Myers (A&S鈥70)
  • Diana D. Pechiulis (MNurs鈥70)聽
  • Jill Foster Schmidt (Edu鈥70; MA鈥74)聽
  • Britton White Jr. (Law鈥70)
  • Barbara J. Antista (Psych鈥71)
  • Michael L. Cyr (Psych鈥71)聽
  • Frances Casey Kerns (Soc鈥71)
  • Constantine E. Sotiriou (PhDBus鈥71)聽
  • Carl Taibi (A&S鈥71)聽
  • J. Corwin Vance (MD鈥71; Pharm鈥80)
  • Jean Tuxworth Williams (MEdu鈥71)聽
  • Joanne Zimmerman (MPsych鈥71; PhDArt鈥74)
  • Linda L. Eberhard (PhysTher鈥72)
  • Sally Solien Edgar (MusEdu鈥72)
  • David F. Herr (DistSt鈥72; MBA鈥77)
  • Thomas Simms Raley (MBA鈥72)
  • Clark W. Richert (MFA鈥72)
  • Ward T. Sumner (Geol鈥72)
  • David N. Weesner (Arch鈥72)聽
  • Carol Koch Whall (Edu鈥72)聽
  • Richard J. Buckingham (Acct鈥73)
  • Gary J. Grimes (PhDElEngr鈥73)
  • Philip D. Hanna (EPOBio鈥73; MD鈥80)聽
  • George T. Lonkevich (Bus, MApMath鈥73)
  • John M. Moses (PolSci鈥73)聽
  • Karla Krahn Kuhn Osius (MCompLit鈥73)
  • Karen L. Starkins (Jour鈥73)
  • David A. Wilkerson (PhDEdu鈥73)
  • Peter R. Bateman (Law鈥74)
  • David C. Chapman (Engl鈥74)
  • Robert B. Girvan (PhDEdu鈥74)
  • Roy F. Malahowski (Law鈥74)
  • Thomas Stephens (PolSci鈥74)
  • John B. Wacek (Arch鈥74)
  • Bruce A. Coffelt (Econ鈥75)
  • David L. Graham (Acct鈥75)
  • Russell W. Iversen (Mktg鈥75)
  • Christian Markle (Engl鈥75)
  • John C. Wagner (ApMath鈥75)
  • Robert W. Leibold Jr. (Hist鈥76)
  • Alberta L. Lopez (Acct鈥76)
  • Jacqueline S. Wright (EPOBio鈥76; Rec鈥77)
  • Peter W. Appenzeller (TransDistMgmt鈥77)
  • Steven D. Bakke (Mktg鈥77)
  • Robert A. Barber (EPOBio鈥77)
  • Ronald J. Coca (Law鈥77)
  • James B. Judd (PhDGeol鈥77)
  • Philip C. Fryberger (Psych鈥77)
  • Melissa Monahan Jankovsky (Span鈥77)
  • Wayne E. Roseler (Rec鈥77)
  • Anthony R. Wagner (Geol鈥77)聽
  • Kurt Wilson (EnvDes鈥77; MArch鈥79)
  • Robert L. Light (Pharm鈥78)
  • Eugene M. Reis (Law鈥78)
  • Diana M. Weber (Jour鈥78)
  • Eric S. Braddock (Hist鈥79)
  • Robert W. Carreau (PolSci鈥79)
  • Noreen A. Kopenhaver (Jour鈥79)
  • Ronald J. LeMaster (Engr鈥79)
  • James L. Parmenter (Art鈥79)


  • David W. Elliott (Rec鈥80)
  • Sally Specken Gass (MusEdu鈥80)聽
  • Richard J. Knapik (A&S ex鈥80)
  • Patricia Mason Both (Psych鈥81)
  • Larry D. Lemmons (Hist鈥81)
  • Kevin N. King (Art鈥81)
  • Paul A. Easton (Rec鈥83)
  • Richard A. Joyce (MJour鈥83)
  • Eric R. Yagi (CivEngr鈥83; MBA鈥85)
  • John R. Mayo (Anth鈥84)
  • Coerte V. Voorhies (PhDAstroPhys鈥84)
  • Todd E. Ficken (Phys鈥85; MBA鈥00)
  • Douglas E. Gray (MBA鈥85)
  • Anne Seaman McCollom (Jour鈥85)
  • J. P. Osnes (Chem鈥85)
  • Robert K. Williams (AmSt鈥85; MBA鈥89)
  • C. Maureen Dauphinee (Acct鈥86)
  • William N. Thurmes (PhDChem鈥86)
  • Scott L. Hyden (Acct鈥87)聽
  • Anthony K. Ballweber (Pharm鈥88)
  • Robert A. Irlbeck (AeroEngr鈥88)
  • Eric M. Loidl (Mktg鈥88)聽
  • Joseph W. Lopez (AeroEngr鈥89, MS鈥94; PhD鈥98)
  • Carl R. Pelletier (Kines鈥89)
  • Mary E. Pyle (A&S ex鈥89)聽


  • Agnes Gayler Harford (MCompSci鈥90)
  • Peter M. Seward (MJour鈥90)
  • Mark R. Konjevod (Hist鈥91)聽
  • Peter M. Greenly (PolSci鈥92)聽
  • Michael L. Page (MFA鈥93)
  • Ronnie Sanchez (Law鈥93)
  • Robert T. Ewers (AeroEngr ex鈥94)
  • Brian L. Pohl (Phys鈥94)
  • Julie M. Murray (Law鈥95)
  • Brian A. Hess (Anth鈥96; MA鈥10)
  • Jonathan N. Webb (MChemEng鈥97; PhD鈥00)


  • Craig J. Lanning (BioChem鈥00; MS鈥11)
  • Jonathan A. Hookom (Soc鈥03)
  • Michael A. Trimmer (Phil鈥03)
  • Robert C. Gavrell (Law鈥05)
  • Michael M. Osberg (Anth鈥05)
  • James E. R. Sheeler (MJour鈥07)聽
  • Kenneth L. Chodil (Mgmt鈥08)
  • Clayton A. Keibler (EnvSt鈥08)聽
  • Caitlin N. King (Bio ex鈥08)
  • Karen Cutsforth Pratt (BioChem ex鈥08)
  • Kelsey S. Trentzsch (Engl鈥09)


  • Shayne C. Flaherty (Econ鈥11)
  • Chad M. King (MElEngr鈥11)聽
  • Lucille I. Sommer (PhDComm鈥11)聽
  • Sean D. Edwards (MAsianSt鈥12)
  • Jesselyn K. Hale (Advert鈥12)
  • William D. Bryant (MAsianSt鈥14)聽
  • Evan M. Crabdree (Soc鈥14)
  • Edward G. Marovich (EnvSt鈥14)聽
  • Matthew G. Highnam (EPOBio鈥15)
  • Vincent R. Mathias (Law鈥16)
  • John S. Wegerbauer (Mgmt鈥17)
  • Deanna L. Andru (MStComm鈥18)聽
  • Nicholas P. Dodaro (Fin鈥18)聽
  • Austin S. Lucas (Hist鈥18)
  • Makenzie L. Kummer (Psych鈥18)聽
  • Kyle S. Rini (Jour鈥18)
  • Stephen G. Kay (CompSciAp鈥19)
  • Elizabeth I. Mooney (EnvSt鈥19)聽


Nathan Clapp (CompSci ex鈥21)聽

Joshua D. Jordan (Engl ex鈥22)

Joshua I. Trujillo (CompSci ex鈥22)

Cole T. Parkinson (Fin ex鈥24)

Tiffany N. Karras (Film鈥24)聽

Faculty, Staff and Friends聽

L. Michael Bell, English Professor

Gerald D. Ferguson, Residence Halls

Miriam 鈥淢imi鈥 R. King, Housing and Dining聽

Barbara Lahey, Friend聽

Shari J. Robertson, Director of Personnel聽