Published: April 1, 2021

Updates and revisions have been made to the participant support costs policy and procedure, as well as the related frequently asked questions. See the details below for specific areas that have been revised.

Participant Support Costs – Policy & Procedure

Background Information

  • The policy has shifted to primarily referencing UG rather than NSF guidance. This is a result of UG updating its guidance to incorporate NSF’s definition, and participant support now becoming more universally available for use across federal sponsors. 
  • Emphasis: Participants are not paid salaries or wages to provide any deliverable, other than meeting the program requirements (e.g. attendance, testing, etc.). 
  • The ‘Pertinent Regulations’ section is now combined within the 'Background Information' section.


This section now includes UG requirements for:

  • Re-budgeting of participant support costs 
  • Exemption from F&A overhead on participant support costs
  • Participant support costs in a subaward

There is an updated reference of SPA (Sponsored Projects Accounting) to the newly minted RFS (Research Financial Services). A subsection for ‘Monitoring the Project’ has been updated to accurately reflect the role of the grant accountant.

Participant Support Costs – FAQ

We have expanded the number of frequently asked questions—from 12 to 27 questions. There are no changes in university or sponsor guidelines. The additional questions were added to provide clarification in response to feedback from a recent PSC workshop hosted by CCO.