Published: May 28, 2015
Nick Underwood

Nicholas Underwood, PhD Candidate in History, was selected to participate in the Seventh Session of The International Forum of Young Scholars on East European Jewry hosted by the Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies at Boston University, taking place June 29 - July 2.

The forum鈥檚 purpose is to promote the research and career progress of promising young scholars from all countries. It is an ongoing forum, comprised of 15 advanced Ph.D. students (ABD) and recent Ph.D.s (before tenure-track appointments). It meets periodically and is intended to allow young scholars an opportunity for cross-fertilization in their fields with their own peers and with an esteemed group of senior scholars led by Profs. Israel Bartal, Dan Diner, David Engel, Zvi Gitelman, Oleg Budnitskii, and Gabriella Safran.

The sessions are co-sponsored by Boston University, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the Simon Dubnow Institute of Jewish History at the University of Leipzig.