Published: June 7, 2017
  • D. J. Aschaffenburg, X. Chen, and T. Cuk
  • Chem. Commun., 2017,53, 7254-7257. . Download

steady-state Xe lamp and (b) 266 nm, 500 Hz, 150 fs (open red circles) and 30 ns (open blue triangles) pulsed laser excitation. The black lines indicate the theoretical amount of O2 product at 100% Faradaic efficiency (see main text for details)During photocatalytic water oxidation, n-SrTiO3(100) demonstrated near 100% Faradaic efficiency for O2 evolution with nano- (30 ns) and femto- (150 fs) second pulsed laser excitation of the band gap, despite surface rearrangements attributed to the high peak power (300 MW cm−2). Therefore, these results establish a methodology for tracking intermediates of the water oxidation cycle at the n-SrTiO3(100) surface from the picosecond time scales of charge transfer through to the millisecond time scales of O2 evolution.