Michael Stowell
Associate Professor
Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology

Porter room B231A

Selected Publications

GTPase activity of dynamin and resulting conformation change are essential for endocytosis.
Marks, B, Stowell, MH, Vallis, Y, Mills, IG, Gibson, A, Hopkins, CR, and McMahon, HT Nature, 410(6825):231-5. 2001

Nucleotide-dependent conformational changes in dynamin: evidence for a mechanochemical molecular spring.
Stowell, MH, Marks, B, Wigge, P, and McMahon, HT Nat Cell Biol, 1(1):27-32. 1999

Macromolecular structure determination by electron microscopy: new advances and recent results.
Stowell, MH, Miyazawa, A, and Unwin, N Curr Opin Struct Biol, 8(5):595-600. 1998

Light-induced structural changes in photosynthetic reaction center: implications for mechanism of electron-proton transfer.
Stowell, MH, McPhillips, TM, Rees, DC, Soltis, SM, Abresch, E, and Feher, G Science, 276(5313):812-6. 1997

Uncompetitive substrate inhibition and noncompetitive inhibition by 5-n-undecyl-6-hydroxy-4,7-dioxobenzothiazole (UHDBT) and 2-n-nonyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (NQNO) is observed for the cytochrome bo3 complex: implications for a Q(H2)-loop proton translocation mechanism.
Musser, SM, Stowell, MH, Lee, HK, Rumbley, JN, and Chan, SI Biochemistry, 36(4):894-902. 1997