Nanoantennas for Purcell Enhancement of Molecular Vibrations
Rajeep Singh
(Rollins University)
Research Project Description.
Our understanding of the building blocks of the universe guides scientific advancements. This means that we must find ways to peek deeper and deeper into atoms and molecules. The Raschke Nano-Optics Groups aims to investigate materials at the nano-scale to understand the finer details by studying, for example, molecular vibrations. Specifically, the goal of this project is to explore how gold nano antennas can be used to enhance molecular vibration signal from Lehn's catalyst. To measure these vibrations, a combination of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Scattering-Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy (s-SNOM) is used.
Raschke Group

Research Interests. Experimenatl nonlinear and ultrafast nano-optics, spatio-temporal optical control, optical antennas, surface plasmon and phonon polaritons, extreme nonlinear optics, strong light matter interaction, scanning probe near-field microscopy and spectroscopy, optical forces, and opto-thermal phenomena, dynamics and phase behavior of complex oxides, semiconductor nanostructures, and polymer nano-composites.