Structural and Physical Properties of Novel Transition Metal Oxides

Celebrating our students

Catherine Ryczek

(Hamilton University)

Catherine explaining her research to her cohort

Research Project Description.

In order for critical technologies to continue to advance, we will need to discover new materials that exhibit novel and traditionally unexpected properties. Transition metal compounds are particularly well situated to possess such qualities due to the unique quantum effects that are induced by their d-electrons. However, since the discovery of these effects, most of the research on transition metal materials has focused on the 3d-elements and their compopunds, thereby leaving the lower rows of the periodic table containing 4d- and 5d-elements predominantly unexplored. Dr. Cao's group works to fill in these holes of unknown elemental compounds through the synthesis and characterization of 4d- and 5d-transition metal compounds under various conditions. These compounds can exhibit properties that are fundamentally different from their 3d- counterparts due to the unique balance of interactions that act upon the electrons in such materials.


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Cao Group

Headshot of Gang Cao

Our research is driven by two interconnected thrusts: Discovery of New Quantum Materials and Control of Novel Quantum States. It encompasses a methodical search for new quantum materails, especially new 4d- and 5d-electron-based materials, and a systematic effort to elucidate and control novel quanumt states in these materials. Our group is equipped with (1) Comprehensive facilities to synthesize bulk single crystals of a wide range of materials, in particular, transition metal oxides and chalcogenides, and (2) A wide spectrum of tools for experimental studies of structural, transport, magnetic, thermal, and dielectric properties as functions of chemical composition, temperature, magnetic field, and pressure. Measurements are often carried out at extreme conditions, i.e.—ultralow temperatures, high magnetic fields, and high pressures. We have also established broad collaborations with leading scientists in the U.S. and around the world.

Mentor: Gang CaoÌý