Avi Roy Portrait
Postdoctoral Fellow
Quantum Calorimeters Group

Project Description听

The fellows research opportunities include improving understanding of the nonequilibrium superconducting processes underlying the performance of superconducting detectors, developing novel micromachined structures to integrate detector arrays, developing and testing detector arrays, developing multiplexed superconducting integrated circuits for the readout of large arrays, and developing the first uses of these detectors at the NSLS-II, or for applications in materials analysis, nuclear non-proliferation, astronomy. The fellows key responsibilities are to听design听and test cryogenic sensors including superconducting transition-edge and kinetic inductance devices along with readout systems for arrays of cryogenic sensors, develop microcalorimeter spectrometers built from cryogenic sensor arrays and implement them in measurement applications in the basic and applied sciences (application areas presently of interest include xray
materials analysis, nuclear materials analysis, x-ray astrophysics, x-ray fundamental parameters metrology, and x-ray tomography), interact with collaborators on the operation and application of cryogenic sensor instruments and听develop new applications for cryogenic sensors as well as pursue both internal and external funding.

Research Interests

My primary research interest is X-ray detector developement for astrophysics and ground based experiments.