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Senior Research Fellow
Electromagnetic Fields Group

Project Description听

The associate works with traceable measurement systems for wide bandwidth modulated signals,听sets up and automate hybrid anechoic measurements,听 works with synthetic aperture techniques and making them traceable to primary standards to characterize over-the-air communications channels.听The associate also uses a precision modulated signal source and signal processing to incorporate low-distortion communications signals into the setup to create a unique test environment for novel 5G and 6G systems incorporating beam-steering phased arrays as well as incorporates measurement uncertainties into the analysis using the NIST Microwave Uncertainty Framework.

Research Interests

Radio Frequency (RF) and signal measurements at millimeter wave frequencies, field strength metrology and antenna metrology.

Research Citations听

I. E. Uchendu, J. R. Kelly, R. Mittra and Y. Gao, "Hybrid Parasitic Linear Array Antenna for Fine Beamsteering Applications," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 84899-84909, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3088405

I.E. Uchendu, and J. R. Kelly, "Survey of Beam Steering Techniques Available for Millimeter Wave Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 68, 35-54, 2016. doi:10.2528/PIERB16030703