Published: Dec. 7, 2021

Indigenous Inclusivity is Pathto MostSustainable Future, saysScholarship RecipientDesmond Bruguier

Desmond BruguierFirst Peoples Worldwideand the Leeds School of Business arepleased to announceDesmond Bruguieras the2021-22recipientof theRebecca Adamson Indigenous Rights and Business Scholarship.The scholarship supports full-time MBA students at the University of Colorado at Boulder, who belong to a federally recognized American IndianTribe or who demonstrate a commitment torights ofIndigenousPeoples.

Desmond is an enrolled member oftheAssiniboine and Sioux Tribes of Fort Peck and isafirst-yearbusiness studentat Leeds,where he hopes tobuild upon his foundation of economic and financeeducation. Desmond is a veteran of the U.S. Navyand served four years as an Aviation Electrician. He receivedaBachelors in Business Administrationin Financeat CUNY Baruch’sZicklinSchool of Business. Currently, he works as agovernment contractor assisting Tribes and Tribal Governments with economic development of their natural resources.

Professional and educational experienceshavegivenDesmondinsightinto the intersecting issues for Native AmericanTribes in the U.S., and he is interested in one day pursing a Juris Doctorate. “My journey is still unfolding,” he says. “I do believe that inclusivity is the way we will make the strongest and most sustainable impacts for the future.”

Looking ahead, Desmond hopes to start his own consulting and business group to work with Native entrepreneurs and build capacity forsustainableeconomicgrowth.He says he hopes to use his education to do this.“I want to continue to find ways to leverage my experiences and education to assist Native Americans with achieving their specific goals. There area large number ofNative American Tribes and tribal members, all of their goals unique,”he says.

Learn more about scholarshipsat the ƷSMӰƬ and opportunities at First Peoples Worldwide.