Constraining carbon stocks and sediment residence times of geomorphic surfaces in a permafrost river system

Cole Cochran

Can Remotely Sensed Snow Disappearance Explain Seasonal Water Supply?

Kaitlyn Bishay

Bed Shear Stress on the Alaskan Beaufort Sea Shelf: A Numerical Modeling Study

Brianna Undzis

Exploring ice’s role in river bank migration through permafrost

Josie Arcuri

Examining Spatial Differences in Soil Solute Chemistry in a Semi-arid Montane Catchment, Manitou Experimental Forest, Colorado

Reece Gregory

Streamflow Resulting from Forest Disturbance

T.R. Heydman

Evaluating the impact of wind on snow accumulation at Niwot Ridge, CO

James Hoover, Robert Jonsson-Castellanos, Eric Kennedy, Elan Rochell-Share, and Hogan Warlock

Arctic Ocean planktonic foraminifera during MIS 5: Understanding Arctic Amplification of climate change from the palaeoclimatological record

Joshua Mauss

Diatom Populations in Cryoconite Holes in McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica

Kiersten Maxwell

Ponderosa Pine Regeneration for the Future of Local Hydrology

Mykael Pineda
