Feel Better Soon! - AJ Thompson

Sound/ Experimental music
13:13 - 1 EP consisting of 4 songs

An EP of experimental alt-pop music in which AJ tries to integrate many of his musical influences and interests into his music through his own unique sonic and aesthetic lenses to create a dense musical amalgamation of a difficult period in his life.

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Feel Better Soon! (EP)

[soundcloud width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/playlists/1231262566%3Fsecret_token%3Ds-ppQtMUZTCVX&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true"][/soundcloud]

An EP of experimental alt-pop music where AJ tries to refine his unique approach to sound and music creation in order to deliver a sonic experience that is distinctly his own. He combines and incorporates elements of his many different interests and influences including (but not limited to); pop, experimental electronic, RnB, alternative, hip-hop, emo, indie and hyperpop among many others. Feel Better Soon! accumulates into a multi-genre experience that is as interesting musically, lyrically and sonically as it is aesthetically. AJ hopes you are able to open your mind and enjoy his dense musical amalgamation of a difficult period in his life.

Aj songs

The album art should feel unexpected and almost confused. Juxtaposition played a big role in the creation of it. It鈥檚 AJ in a black, cloud print dress with dark eye makeup on and stickers on his face in the middle of a graveyard holding a brightly colored balloon that you鈥檇 see on hospital patients鈥 bedsides which reads; 鈥淔eel Better Soon!鈥. The synesthetic drawings I hope resemble the songs in terms of structure and aesthetic for others because I view those as a natural byproduct of the music creation process itself and an extension if you will of the songs content. I can鈥檛 quite explain it but there鈥檚 something in the drawings for each that resonate as a truthful depiction of it鈥檚 content and experience as a whole. They鈥檙e only in black and white because it makes the most sense to my mind that way and adds to its overall 鈥渢ruthfulness鈥 to me because to add color, I feel would only resonate as 鈥渢ruthful鈥 to me if it were to be a 3D experience.

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