Room Scheduling


The Department of Psychology and Neuroscience has several rooms that are reservable for departmental use for various activities. These rooms are reservable through the campus EMS . All departmental members above the rank of undergraduate should have access to EMS via their identikeys. If you are unable to log in, but believe you should be able to, or have general questions about the use of and access to EMS, please contact or

Here is a list of some of the reservable rooms and their appropriate usage:

D33421conferences, colloquia, seminars, meetings, etc.
D3522special needs testing
D44812special needs testing
E002227special needs testing
E0195special needs testing
E02115special needs testing
E0235special needs testing
E2122special needs testing
E21450conferences, colloquia, seminars, meetings, etc.
E22414faculty lunchroom, colloquia, meetings, testing, etc.
E31712small conferences, seminars, meetings, etc.
E412 Learning Hub — Teach an LA (no testing)
E414 Learning Hub — TA/LA tutoring/OH (no testing)
E416 Learning Hub conference room (no testing)