Published: May 21, 1997

Several U.S. scholars and writers have been named to receive the 1997 Eugene M. Kayden Awards in the Humanities by the University of Colorado at Boulder.

The national competition recognizes manuscripts submitted by faculty from universities across the country and provides funding for publication of the winning manuscripts. Awards given this year include the National Book Award, University Press of Colorado Award, Translation Award and Colorado Arts Award.

The Kayden Awards are administered by CU-Boulder, where they were established by a gift from Eugene Kayden (1886-1977), who received a bachelor聮s degree from CU in 1912 after emigrating from Russia at age 16.

Bill Hutchinson of Sonoma, Calif., received the University Press of Colorado Award for his compilation of human rights abuses in El Salvador titled, 聯When the Dogs Ate Candles.聰 The award of $3,000 will help pay for the publication of his manuscript next spring by the University Press of Colorado, the Niwot-based consortium of state colleges and universities.

An ordained minister, Hutchinson is a partner in Hutchinson Personnel Consulting offering mediation, facilitation and training seminars to businesses and organizations in Northern California.

Joni L. Kinsey of Iowa City, Iowa, received the National Book Award for best book in the humanities published by a university press in 1996. Kinsey teaches American art history at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. A native of Oklahoma, she has published and lectured on the landscape in art and culture.

Her book, 聯Plain Pictures: Images of the American Prairie,聰 was submitted for the Kayden Award by the publisher, Smithsonian Institution Press.

Ronald Christ of Santa Fe, N.M., a free-lance editor, academic and author of books, articles and video text, received the Kayden Translation Award first prize of $1,500 for 聯Lumperica,聰 by Diamela Eltit.

Byron Lindsey of Albuquerque, N.M., also received first prize for the Kayden Translation Award and $1,500 for his translation of three works by Russian poet Vladimir Makanin.

Additional Kayden Translation Award recipients were Philip Stewart of Durham, N.C., second prize of $750 for 聯Julie or the New Heloise聰 and Gitta Bridges of Moscow, Idaho, meritorious achievement of $500 for 聯In Annas Namen.聰

The Kayden Colorado Arts Award of $3,000 to offset publication costs was given to the University Press of Colorado for a forthcoming coffee-table book featuring Colorado artists.

The Kayden Award selection committees were chaired by history Professor Robert Pois, English Instructor Tom Lyons and associate professor of German Clifton Hall.

The awards were given May 6 at a campus reception honoring the recipients.