Published: Feb. 19, 2001

Ron Stump, vice chancellor for student affairs at the University of Colorado at Boulder, has appointed Peter Simons to the position of director of the Office of Parent Relations.

The appointment recently was approved by Chancellor Byyny and Simons assumed the position Feb. 19.

Simons replaces former director Leasa Weimer, who became student programs director at the University Memorial Center last semester.

"Peter has the experience and the ability to work with volunteer organizations to keep the momentum of the CU Parents Association moving," Stump said. "We are very pleased to have him join us."

Simons previously served as executive director of the Camp Fire Council of Colorado. He has worked for the Boulder Valley School District as an elementary school teacher and has held administrative positions for children and youth services for the City of Boulder, the Colorado state government and National Jewish Hospital. He has also worked as an organizational consultant.

A CU-Boulder alumnus, Simons earned a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in public administration. He also holds a master's degree in liberal studies and an elementary education teacher's degree from Regis University.

The Office of Parent Relations, in cooperation with the CU Parents Association, provides opportunities for parents of CU students to become more aware of and involved with the university's mission and activities. These opportunities include interaction with staff, faculty and administrators, social and informational events on campus and around the country and a scholarship program for CU students. The CU Parents Association annually hosts one of the largest Parents Weekends in the nation.

All parents of CU-Boulder undergraduate students are members of the CU Parents Association. No fees or dues are required. For more information on events and resources, visit the Web site at .

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