Published: Feb. 6, 2017

Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) that will replace the current A&S Core Curriculum. The implementation process began with appointment of the General Education Implementation Committee (GEIC), an ad hoc committee of the Arts and Sciences Council. The Council is the primary representative body for the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences.

In Fall 2016, faculty members had voted to revise the core curriculum by a 458-73 margin. The new General Education requirements are designed to allow students to pursue their passions while also ensuring that they venture into diverse areas of learning.

The GEIC is being chaired by Professor Cora Randall, from the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Complete membership on the committee and updates on the implementation progress can be found .

Actions of interest to-date include a moratorium on nominations for the former core curriculum, with the possible exception of first-year seminars, as well as the vote to name the new requirements the ‘General Education (Distribution and Skills)’ curriculum.