CU-Boulder Fine Arts Professor Is Curator Of Exhibit Celebrating Latino Art

Sept. 16, 2001

The Glenwood Springs Center for the Arts has launched "Salsa y Santos," an exhibit celebrating Latino art and artists. The exhibit, which runs through Sept. 28 and is free and open to the public, was organized by the art center and University of Colorado at Boulder fine arts Professor George Rivera, who is curator of the exhibit.

CU-Boulder Professor To Lecture Sept. 19 On World Trade Center Collapse, Rebuilding

Sept. 13, 2001

Hyman Brown, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder and the project engineer on New York's World Trade Center, will present a public lecture Wednesday, Sept. 19, on the collapse of the landmark structure. His talk, titled "The World Trade Center . . . Did We Make the Right Decisions in 1965?" will address such questions as why the buildings collapsed, whether anything could have been done during construction to minimize the disaster, and whether the towers should be rebuilt.

'Engineers Without Borders' Installs Water System In Belize

Sept. 13, 2001

Note: The San Pablo water system and other projects of Engineers Without Borders will be described in a one-hour presentation at 6 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 20, in the Boulder Creek Meeting Room, Boulder Public Library. "Engineers Without Borders: Building a Better World One Project at a Time," is free and open to the public. A University of Colorado at Boulder faculty and student group has successfully installed a water system in a small Belize village, bringing water for drinking and irrigation to 250 Mayan Indians.

Two Upcoming CU-Boulder Events Have Been Cancelled, Rescheduled

Sept. 13, 2001

MEDIA ADVISORY Two upcoming CU-Boulder events have been cancelled, rescheduled o Sept. 18, a lecture by internationally known photographer Cirenaica Moreira has been cancelled. The lecture was part of the Visiting Artist Lecture series, a program of the fine arts department at the University of Colorado at Boulder. o Sept. 25, a lecture by artist Juan Carlos Alom has been rescheduled to a date to be announced. His lecture is also part of the Visiting Artist Lecture series.

American Muslims Fear Retribution Following Terrorist Attacks

Sept. 12, 2001

NEWS TIP SHEET University of Colorado at Boulder Professor Frederick Denny said the large Muslim population in America fears retribution following the terrorist attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania Sept. 11.

Today's Attacks Will Bring Out The Best In People; Will Change U.S., CU-Boulder Disaster Expert Says

Sept. 10, 2001

After a period in which people are stunned and in a state of disbelief about the events of Sept. 11, "you can count on this bringing out the best in humanity," says Professor Dennis Mileti, chair of the sociology department at the University of Colorado at Boulder and director of the Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center.

Colorful Front Range Aspen Season Forecast By CU-Boulder Professor

Sept. 9, 2001

For avid quaking aspen viewers in search of gold, or even yellow and red, it looks to be a good season in areas west of Denver and Boulder, according to a University of Colorado at Boulder professor.

School Of Journalism And Mass Communication Hosts CNN Journalists, Town Hall Meeting At CU-Boulder

Sept. 9, 2001

Two veteran CNN journalists will participate in a town hall meeting on the topic "Are You Getting What You Want from the News" hosted by the University of Colorado at Boulder School of Journalism and Mass Communication on Thursday, Sept. 20. The event will begin at 5:15 p.m. in Hale Science Building room 270. The panel discussion also will feature Joanne Ostrow, television critic for the Denver Post. The public is invited to attend.

Tim Wirth To Speak At CU-Boulder On Sept. 25

Sept. 9, 2001

Tim Wirth, president of the United Nations Foundation and former U.S. senator from Colorado, will give a public talk titled "Think Globally, Act Locally: A 25-Year Odyssey" at the University of Colorado at Boulder on Tuesday, Sept. 25. Wirth will speak at 7 p.m. in the Old Main Chapel. The event is free and open to the public and is sponsored by the CU-Boulder Center of the American West.

"Searching for Distant Worlds" Sept. 21 at CU's Fiske Planetarium

Sept. 6, 2001

For centuries people have attempted to prove the existence of planets circling distant stars. On Friday, Sept. 21, at 7:30 p.m. the Fiske Planetarium at the University of Colorado at Boulder will explore the topic. "Searching for Distant Worlds," a pre-recorded program, will examine recent discoveries of unknown planets around far-away stars and explain why it is so difficult to find these distant objects. Sommers-Bausch Observatory will be open for telescope viewing immediately following the show at Fiske.
