New Award Is Named For CU Disaster Expert Mary Fran Myers

Sept. 24, 2002

Mary Fran Myers, co-director of the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder, has been presented a newly established award from the Gender and Disaster Network that will hereafter be known as the "Mary Fran Myers Award." The award was presented this month in recognition of Myers' sustained efforts to launch the worldwide network among disaster professionals, for advancing women's careers and for promoting research on gender issues in disaster research in emergency management and higher education.

GLBT Resource Center Hosts Record Number Of Programs For LGBTQ Awareness Month At CU-Boulder

Sept. 24, 2002

The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center at CU-Boulder will celebrate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Awareness Month in October with 53 events, the largest in the program's history. Events include speakers, a film festival, panels, discussions and exhibits. All CU-Boulder events are free and open to the public.

CU Casino Night To Bring Executives Together To Help Increase Diversity At CU's Leeds School Of Business

Sept. 23, 2002

Editors: Reporters and photographers are welcome to attend the event at no charge. Local business executives and other members of the community will roll dice, spin roulette wheels and play blackjack for a good cause on Friday, Sept. 27, as part of the 10th Annual Barney Ford Diversity Benefit and Casino Night to raise money for increasing diversity in the Leeds School of Business MBA program.

CU-Boulder Linguistics Professor Wins 2002 MacArthur Fellowship

Sept. 23, 2002

University of Colorado at Boulder Associate Professor Daniel Jurafsky has been named a 2002 winner of the MacArthur Fellowship, commonly known as the "genius grant." Jurafsky, an associate professor of linguistics and computer science, is the sixth CU-Boulder faculty member to win the prestigious award from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation of Chicago. Jurafsky, 39, was one of 24 recipients of the 2002 "no-strings attached" funding. He will receive $500,000.

CU Professor Patricia Limerick Speaks At The White House

Sept. 22, 2002

Patricia Nelson Limerick, the nationally renowned history and environmental studies professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, spoke at a White House symposium organized by First Lady Laura Bush on "Women of the West: The Literary Legacy of Women in the American West." Limerick presented the Sept. 17 keynote address on three authors: Willa Cather, Edna Ferber and Laura Ingalls Wilder. Her audience of about 150 people in the White House included First Lady Laura Bush, Lynne Cheney, Joyce Rumsfeld and Pam Houston, author of "Cowboys Are My Weakness."

Student Leadership Conference To Be Held At CU-Boulder Sept. 28; Harvey Wasserman Speaks At 6 p.m.

Sept. 22, 2002

The first University of Colorado at Boulder Leadership Conference for CU-Boulder students will be held Sept. 28 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Glenn Miller Ballroom at the University Memorial Center. It is free and open to all students. The conference is organized by Student Renaissance Leadership and will be organized according to the following topics: diversity and women in leadership, leadership in community, personal leadership and global leadership.

CU-Boulder Student-Led Team Hopes To Fly Equipment Aboard NASA's Pluto Mission

Sept. 22, 2002

A group of students from the University of Colorado at Boulder has designed a unique concept to observe dust grains in space that they hope to fly on NASA's mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt, a collection of ancient, icy objects located beyond Neptune.

CU-Boulder Fall Enrollment Shows Increases, Improvements

Sept. 17, 2002

Census information confirming a robust fall 2002 enrollment at the University of Colorado at Boulder offers positive news for campus efforts to improve retention and the numbers of graduate, international and transfer students. Nevertheless, CU-Boulder officials hope to limit future overall growth through a proposal called "Quality for Colorado," now under consideration by the state, which would reduce the campus's budgetary dependence on enrollment growth.

Hewlett-Packard CEO, Tech Leaders To Speak At CU-Boulder's Discovery Learning Center Opening On Oct. 18

Sept. 17, 2002

The College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder will celebrate the grand opening and dedication of its new Discovery Learning Center on October 18. The $16.5 million addition to the Engineering Center Complex at Colorado Avenue and Regent Drive will be home to 11 top engineering research groups that actively involve undergraduates in current research along with graduate students, faculty, and industry or government partners.

Second Speaker On Middle East: Former Ambassador Dennis Ross To Speak At CU-Boulder This Fall

Sept. 17, 2002

The Cultural Events Board of the University of Colorado at Boulder's student government will host a talk by former U.S. Ambassador Dennis B. Ross in the fall semester. The talk is the second in a two-part series focusing on the Middle East hosted by the University of Colorado Student Union's Cultural Events Board, or CEB. Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, was the first speaker featured in the series and appeared on campus Sept. 14.
