Five CU-Boulder Graduate Programs cited Among Nation's Best In Magazine

Feb. 27, 1997

Five programs at the University of Colorado at Boulder were cited for excellence in a ranking of the nation's best graduate schools released this week by U.S. News and World Report. The law and education graduate programs at CU-Boulder made significant gains in 1997. The overall CU School of Law ranking jumped from 39th to 30th, while the School of Education climbed from 25th to 19th. Also ranked in 1997 were CU-Boulder graduate programs in engineering, music and environmental law.

CU-Boulder Physics Professor named Sloan Research Fellow

Feb. 27, 1997

Leo Radzihovsky, an assistant professor of physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder, is the winner of a prestigious 1997 Sloan Research Fellowship. Sloan fellowships are given to recognize and support young scientists' research projects during their early careers. The fellowship includes a $35,000 award.

CU-Boulder Physics Professor Named Sloan Research Fellow

Feb. 27, 1997

Leo Radzihovsky, an assistant professor of physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder, is the winner of a prestigious 1997 Sloan Research Fellowship. Sloan fellowships are given to recognize and support young scientists' research projects during their early careers. The fellowship includes a $35,000 award.

CEO of "Most Innovative" Company to Give Free Lecture at CU-Boulder

Feb. 25, 1997

Kenneth L. Lay, chairman and chief executive officer of Enron, rated the most innovative company in the nation by a Fortune magazine survey, will give a public lecture at the University of Colorado at Boulder on March 11. An early proponent of deregulating U.S. utilities, Lay was at the forefront of many changes now sweeping the industry. Deregulation of the nation's electricity companies is being discussed in Congress and in Colorado and several other states.

CU Museum To Host Symposium On Herbs In Modern Health Care

Feb. 19, 1997

NOTE: Reporters are welcome to schedule phone interviews with speakers before the symposium by calling Lauren Schwartz at (303) 492-3396. CU MUSEUM TO HOST SYMPOSIUM "Herbs in Modern Health Care" will be the subject of a one-day symposium with noted speakers in the health care and medical professions on Saturday, March 15, at the University of Colorado Museum in Boulder.

Unique Kinetic Sculpture To Be Erected At New Engineering Facility

Feb. 19, 1997

A unique, wind-driven kinetic sculpture will be erected outside CU-Boulder1s new Integrated Teaching and Learning Laboratory at the College of Engineering and Applied Science on Friday, Feb. 21, weather permitting.

CU-Boulder Sponsors Luncheon Celebrating Black Awareness Week

Feb. 18, 1997

A free informal luncheon for black faculty at CU-Boulder is scheduled Thursday, Feb. 27, to celebrate Black Awareness Month. The luncheon will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in room M549 of Norlin Library on the CU-Boulder campus. Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs Albert Ramirez and Dean of Libraries James F. Williams have invited all black faculty members to attend.

CU-Boulder To Observe National Condom Week

Feb. 12, 1997

Wardenburg Health Center1s Sexual Health Education Program will observe National Condom Week Feb. 13-18 with activities to raise student awareness of sexual health. The week will begin Feb. 13 with an information table in the UMC Loggia staffed by peer educators who will distribute condoms, AIDS awareness red ribbons, educational brochures, candy and contest information.

CU-Boulder To Start Search For Athletic Director

Feb. 12, 1997

A search has begun for a permanent director of intercollegiate athletics for the University of Colorado at Boulder, according to Chancellor Richard L. Byyny. The position currently is held on an interim basis by Dick Tharp. Tharp became interim athletic director in August 1996 following the resignation of former Director Bill Marolt.

Soul Food Dinner A Favorite Of Black Awareness Month

Feb. 12, 1997

Soul food, a taste that can be traced to plantations in the early days of the South, will be featured Feb. 28 as part of Black Awareness Month at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Chef Willie Bradley, food service manager in Cheyenne Arapaho Residence Hall, will cook a variety of traditional foods including barbecued ribs, catfish, collard greens, black-eyed peas with ham hocks, macaroni and cheese, candied yams, corn bread and okra-tomato gumbo. Dessert will be Chef Willie's homemade peach cobbler.
