CU-Boulder Marketing Professor Named Head Of National Society

May 29, 2002

University of Colorado at Boulder marketing Professor Paul Herr has been elected president of the Society for Consumer Psychology. The society, a division of the American Psychological Association, is the premier organization for academics engaged in the study of marketing and consumer psychology. Membership is comprised of marketing practitioners and research scholars from top universities. He was named president-elect of the organization in 2001.

CU Parents Association Hosts Summer Orientation Dinners For Parents Of New Students

May 28, 2002

The CU Parents Association at the University of Colorado at Boulder will host a series of orientation dinners for parents of incoming students in June and July at the University Club. The dinners coincide with orientation sessions for new freshmen and transfer students and will provide opportunities for new CU-Boulder parents to become acquainted with the association's board members, the Office of Parent Relations and staff from student affairs programs and services.

Anonymous Gift Boosts CU-Boulder Music Library's CD Collection By 12 Percent

May 28, 2002

An anonymous donor has contributed 1,500 classical compact discs to the University of Colorado at Boulder's Music Library, increasing the library's CD collection by more than 12 percent. The CDs are primarily piano music and will make the library's holdings of recorded classical piano music one of the most complete in the country. The gift will be known as the Ian Gindes Collection, in honor of a former student of the donor.

CU-Boulder Forms ATLAS Partnership With New Orleans' Dillard University

May 28, 2002

Chancellor Richard Byyny of the University of Colorado at Boulder and President Michael Lomax of Dillard University in New Orleans have announced that the two schools are forging a new educational technology partnership in conjunction with CU-Boulder's ATLAS initiative. The two institutions each bring significant strengths and aspirations to the project, according to Bobby Schnabel, associate vice chancellor for academic and campus technology and the faculty director for ATLAS, the Alliance for Technology, Learning and Society.

CU-Boulder Offers Summer Tobacco Cessation Programs

May 27, 2002

Two summer sessions of The Boulder Campus Smoking Cessation Program, the only tobacco cessation program in Boulder County, will be offered at the University of Colorado at Boulder beginning June 6 and June 10. "The classes we offer have a higher success rate than most other tobacco cessation programs," said Margaret Resch, director of the Employee Wellness Program at CU-Boulder.

CU Anthropology Students Off To Field Schools In Utah, New Mexico

May 27, 2002

Editors: Photo scans of the two sites are available by calling (303) 492-3114. Two groups of students from the University of Colorado at Boulder are now in Utah and New Mexico studying ancient Pueblo ruins as part of a larger effort to understand the fate of the Four Corners Anasazi people after A.D. 1100.

Ozone Losses May Be Speeding Up At Higher Latitudes, According To Study

May 27, 2002

New findings by University of Colorado at Boulder researchers indicate ozone losses due to the breakdown of chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, occur much faster than previously believed at higher latitudes roughly 10 miles above Earth.

Colorado Alpine Lakes Show Troubling Changes

May 27, 2002

A high alpine lake in the Colorado Rockies is showing increased algal growth thought to be caused by atmospheric nitrogen deposition from auto emissions and agricultural activity on the heavily populated Front Range, including Denver.

International Experts To Address Water Issues At CU Conference

May 27, 2002

Editors: A complete schedule of events is posted on the NRLC home page at . The Natural Resources Law Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder School of Law will host a four-day conference devoted to examining issues related to water management programs across the globe, with an eye toward applications in the American West.

President Bush Appoints CU-Boulder Law Professor To Oliver Wendell Holmes Committee

May 22, 2002

Allison H. Eid, associate professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder School of Law, will be able to serve her students next semester while also serving her country. Eid was appointed last month by President Bush to the Permanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise. Established by Congress in 1955 to administer the funds given to the government by the late Justice Holmes, the Permanent Committee prepares the history of the U.S. Supreme Court and sponsors the annual Oliver Wendell Holmes Lecture.
