CU-Boulder To Improve Service, Curb Alcohol Abuse For 1997 Football Season

Aug. 27, 1997

Football fans will be welcomed to games at the University of Colorado at Boulder this fall under a new plan that emphasizes improved customer service as well as a commitment to reduce alcohol abuse and rowdy game-day behavior. Among the initiatives will be an “ambassador” program to provide customer service and information to all fans as they proceed to the game, according to Athletics Director Richard Tharp. Tents will be set up around the campus, staffed with three or four ambassadors to greet people, answer questions and provide information about the game and CU-Boulder.

Rooms Open Up For Women As Dorm Crowding Eases

Aug. 26, 1997

Residence hall crowding at the University of Colorado at Boulder started to ease Tuesday, with many students who had been sleeping in converted lounges for the last week starting to move into available rooms. Residence hall directors took count of student “no-shows” on Monday, and as a result have been able to start assigning students occupying overflow areas to the vacancies left by those who have not shown up on campus for the fall semester.

High Tech Firms Invited To Meet With CU Faculty

Aug. 26, 1997

Representatives of state high-technology businesses are invited to meet with faculty of the University of Colorado at Boulder to discuss research areas that may be of mutual interest. A series of informal "4+4 breakfasts," pairing a few company representatives and a few faculty researchers whose technical backgrounds or research programs may overlap with a company's research or manufacturing needs, is being sponsored by the Office of Technology Transfer and Industry Outreach.

CU-Boulder Begins Search For Academic Vice Chancellor

Aug. 26, 1997

The University of Colorado at Boulder will launch a search immediately for its next vice chancellor for academic affairs, beginning with an internal search as defined by policies of the Board of Regents, according to Chancellor Richard L. Byyny. Wallace Loh, current vice chancellor for academic affairs, recently announced his resignation, effective Sept. 30, to become director of policy for the governor of the state of Washington.

Meeting Of Remembrance To Be Held For Joe Ben Wheat

Aug. 21, 1997

A meeting of remembrance will be held Sept. 6 in honor of Joe Ben Wheat, an internationally known archaeologist and curator emeritus of the University of Colorado Museum. Wheat died June 12 at St. Anthony Hospital Central in Denver after a short illness. He was 81. Friends, colleagues and other members of the university community are invited to meet informally at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 6, in the Mary Rippon Theater north of the museum on the CU-Boulder campus. Participants will share reminiscences and later adjourn to the museum for light refreshments.

Exhibit And Panel Explore History Of Freedom Of Expression On Campus

Aug. 21, 1997

An exhibit exploring the history of free speech and censorship at the University of Colorado at Boulder opens Friday, Aug. 22, at Norlin Library in conjunction with a year-long initiative on civility and censorship by the campus’s new Center for Humanities and the Arts. The exhibit ties in with the center’s inaugural event for the 1997-98 academic year, a panel presentation on “Civility, Censorship and CU: A Celebration of George Norlin and the Cause of Free Speech.’’

Professor's Swim Suit To Demonstrate Point On Aug. 25

Aug. 20, 1997

On the first day of her fall semester class on deviance in American society, CU-Boulder Professor Patti Adler plans to wear a swim suit, Hawaiian sarong, beach towel and sunscreen. In previous classes she has worn a man's suit, a cap and gown and flannel pajamas with bunny slippers. It's all done to bring home a point about violating social norms in her popular Deviance in U.S. Society class. While her attire would be perfectly appropriate on the beach, Adler notes, it violates a social norm to wear such clothing while teaching a university class.

Maust Appointed To Head Alcohol Awareness Program

Aug. 19, 1997

Robert Norris Maust has been appointed director of a program sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to reduce the use and abuse of alcohol at the University of Colorado at Boulder, according to Ronald Stump, dean of students at CU-Boulder. The appointment is subject to approval by the Board of Regents. The program, titled “A Matter of Degree,” was funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation last year. CU-Boulder’s grant was one of four the foundation funded at campuses across the nation and it was the largest at $860,769.

Recent Mars Discoveries Subject Of Sept. 3 Talk

Aug. 18, 1997

Recent discoveries of the Mars Pathfinder mission will be the subject of a free public talk by University of Colorado at Boulder planetary scientist Bruce Jakosky on Sept. 3. Jakosky, an associate professor in the geological sciences department and a member of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, will show and discuss visual images and other information sent back by the Mars Pathfinder spacecraft and its surface explorer, the Sojourner Rover.

CU-Boulder Plans Traffic Assistance Around Street Construction Site

Aug. 17, 1997

New auto and foot traffic patterns have been developed temporarily for a central part of the University of Colorado at Boulder to help students, faculty, staff and visitors navigate around a construction project when the fall semester begins this month. Access to parking lots and to residence halls for student move-in will not be affected. Also, there will be no direct impact on scheduled classes, activities or programs.
