Published: Dec. 13, 2021

Lynn Pae

Name: Lynn Pae
Title: License Administrator
Years at Venture Partners: 19

Q: Tell us a little about yourself! (Education, Where You’re From & How You to Got to CO, Interests, Hobbies, whatever!)

´¡:ÌýI’m originally from the DC area, but I lived in Florida for 17 years before moving to Colorado. My husband was in the Navy when we met, stationed in Jacksonville, and he wanted to return to Colorado where his family lived. I love the mountains, the changing seasons, and I appreciate the health-conscious culture here. 

Q: What is your role at Venture Partners? Tell us more about what you do.

A: I am the license administrator. I work closely with licensing managers to manage the license after they close the deal. I enforce the financial terms in our license agreement including collecting royalties from our licensees and distributing them to our inventors, their labs and the university. I also provide financial and operations support for the team.

Q: What is your favorite part about your job and what do you like most about working on the Venture Partners team?

A: I work with a great team. Everyone is very dedicated to helping faculty develop their inventions. I’ve been with Venture Partners since the beginning, when we first become a CU department, and I’ve seen the department grow to what it is today. We have so many programs now such as Destination Startup™, Starting Block and Research 2 Market.  It’s exciting to be a part of that. 

Q: When you aren’t at work, where will we find you?

A:ÌýI love hiking and paddle boarding. We usually go every weekend when the weather is nice. I also love to be in the kitchen. I enjoy cooking and baking, and I’m always looking for new recipes. 

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

A: You are responsible for your own happiness. You can’t wait for something or someone to change to make you happy. I always try to remember that I can’t change what other people do; I can only change how I respond to any situation. 

Contact Lynn

Have questions about Venture Partners? Email Lynn at