Semi Autonomous Imaging Land Rover (SAILR)

Description: The semi-autonomous imaging land rover (SAILR) team is tasked with designing, integrating, and testing a small surveillance-based rover intended for usage in hazardous environments not suitable for human exploration. The rover will be capable of navigating terrain and avoiding obstacles with real-time path planning to reach a target destination specified by the user ground station. Live video and manual control will also allow for user control in situations which demand active human control. The compact rover enables high mobility and access to restricted spaces with potential space exploration and/or law enforcement applications.

Sponsor: Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Team Members: Robert Beddome (PM), Luca Barton, Caleb Bristol, Noah Freeland, Krystal Horton, Aidan Jones, Christopher Nylund, Trevor Reed, Luke Roberson, Skyler Schull, Sam Stewart, Suphakan Sukwong

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