Research and Publications

-听Solitons and the Inverse Scattering Transform, SIAM, Philadelphia, 425 pp., with M.J. Ablowitz, 1981 (also translated and published in Russian and in Japanese)
-听Solitons and Coherent Structures, North Holland, Amsterdam, 487 pp., ed. by D.K. Campbell, A.C. Newell, J.R. Schrieffer & H. Segur, 1986
-听Asymptotics Beyond All Orders, Plenum Press, New York, 389 pp., ed. by H. Segur, S. Tanveer & H. Levine, 1992
-听Proceedings of the Conference on Water Waves. Theory and Experiment, World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 201 pp, ed by M.F. Mahmood, D. Henderson, H. Segur, 2010

1. "Analytical Procedure for Determining Hydrogen Peroxide Exhaust Impingement Heating," Rep't GD/C-BTD65-116, General Dynamics/Convair, San Diego, CA, 1965
2. "Stratified Flow into a Contraction," (Ph.D. thesis) Rep't AS69-15, University of California, Berkeley, 1969
3. "A limitation on Long's model in stratified fluid flows," J. Fluid Mech., 48, pp. 161-179, 1971
4. "Method for Solving the Sine-Gordon Equation," Phys. Rev. Lett., 30, p. 1262, with M.J. Ablowitz, A.C. Newell & D.J. Kaup, 1973 (reprinted in "Series of Selected Papers in Physics," 59, by the Physical Soc. of Japan)
5. "Nonlinear Evolution Equations of Physical Significance," Phys. Rev. Lett., 31, p. 125, with M.J. Ablowitz, A.C. Newell & D.J.Kaup, 1973 (reprinted in "Series of Selected Papers in Physics," 59, by the Physical Soc. of Japan)
6. "The Korteweg-deVries equation and water waves, Part I: Solutions of the equation," J. Fluid Mech., 59, p. 721, 1973
7. "The Korteweg-deVries equation and water waves, Part II: Comparison with experiments," J. Fluid Mech., 65, pp. 289-314, with J.L. Hammack, 1974
8. "An Alternative Method to Solve the Korteweg-deVries Equation?," in Nonlinear Wave Motion, ed. by A.C. Newell, AMS Lect. in App. Math., 15, 1974
9. "The Inverse Scattering Transform - Fourier Analysis for Nonlinear Problems," Stud. App. Math., 53, pp. 249-315, with M.J. Ablowitz, A.C. Newell & D.J.Kaup, 1974 (reprinted in "Series of Selected Papers in Physics," 73, by the Physical Soc. of Japan)
10. "The Inverse Scattering Transform: Semi-Infinite Interval," J. Math. Phys., 16, p. 1054, with M.J. Ablowitz, 1975
11. "Linear vs. Nonlinear Water Waves," Proc. of Ocean Engin. III, with J.L. Hammack, 1976
12. "Asymptotic Solutions and Conservation Laws for the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation, I," J. Math. Phys., 17, p. 710, with M.J. Ablowitz, 1976
13. "Asymptotic Solutions and Conservation Laws for the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation, II," J. Math. Phys., 17, p. 714, 1976
14. "Exact Linearization of a Painlev茅 Transcendent, Phys. Rev. Lett., 38, p. 1103, with M.J. Ablowitz, 1977
15. "Asymptotic Solutions for the Korteweg-deVries Equation," Stud. App. Math., 57, pp. 13-44, with M.J. Ablowitz, 1977
16. "The Korteweg-deVries equation and water waves, Part III: Oscillatory waves," J. Fluid Mech., 84, p. 337, with J.L. Hammack, 1978
17. "Modelling criteria for long water waves," J. Fluid Mech., 84, p. 359, with J.L. Hammack, 1978
18. "Solitons as Approximate Descriptions of Physical Phenomena," Rocky Mtn. J. Math., 8, p. 15, 1978
19. "Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Ordinary Differential Equations of Painlev茅 Type," Lett. Nuovo Cim., 23, p. 333, with M.J. Ablowitz & A. Ramani, 1978
20. "On the evolution of packets of water waves," J. Fluid Mech., 92, p. 691, with M.J. Ablowitz, 1979
21. "Ordinary Differential Equation of Painlev茅 Type and the Inverse Scattering Transform," in Math. Methods & Appl. of Scattering Theory, ed. by J.A. DeSanto, A.W. Seanz & W.W. Zachery, Lect. Notes in Physics, 130, SpringerVerlag, NY, 1979
22. "A Note on Miura's Transformation," J. Math. Phys., 20, p. 999, with M.J. Ablowitz & M.D. Kruskal, 1979
23. "Long Internal Waves in Fluids of Great Depth," Stud. App. Math., 62, p. 249, with M.J. Ablowitz, 1980
24. "A Connection Between Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Ordinary Differential Equations of P-Type I," J. Math. Phys., 21, pp. 715-721, with M.J. Ablowitz & A. Ramani, 1980
25. "A Connection Between Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Ordinary Differential Equations of P-Type II," J. Math. Phys., 21, p. 1006-1015, with M.J. Ablowitz & A. Ramani, 1980
26. "Resonant Interactions Between Surface and Internal Gravity Waves," Phys. of Fluids, 23, p. 2556, 1980
27. "Asymptotic Solutions of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and a Painlev茅 Transcendent," Physica, 3D, p. 165, with M.J. Ablowitz, 1981
28. "Viscous Decay of Envelope Solitons in Water Waves," Phys. of Fluids, 24, p. 2372, 1981
29. "Solitons and the Inverse Scattering Transform," in Proc. of International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Course LXXX (1980), ed. by A.R. Osborne & P.M. Rizzoli, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1982
30. "On the Periodic Intermediate Long Wave Equation," J. Phys.A, 15, p. 781, with M.J.Ablowitz, A. Fokas, & J. Satsuma, 1982
31. "Soliton models of long internal waves," J. Fluid Mech., 118, p. 285, with J.L. Hammack, 1982
32. "Integrable Hamiltonian Systems and the Painlev茅 Property," Phys. Rev. A, 3rd series, 25, p. 1257, with T. Bountis & F. Vivaldi, 1982
33. "Viscous Decay of Long Internal Solitary Waves," Phys. of Fluids, 25, p. 942, with C. Leone & J.L. Hammack, 1982
34. "Comments of Inverse Scattering for the Kadomtsev-Petivashvili Equation," in Math. Methods in Hydrodyn. & Integrability in Dynam. Syst., A.I.P. Conf. Proc. #88, ed. by M. Tabor & Y.M. Treve, p. 211, 1982
35. "Logarithmic Singularities and Chaotic Behaviour in Hamiltonian Systems," in Math. Methods in Hydrodyn. & Integrability in Dynam. Syst., A.I.P. Conf. Proc. #88, ed. by M. Tabor & Y.M. Treve, with T. Bountis, 1982
36. "Wobbling Kinks in 蠁4 and Sine-Gordon Theory," J. Math. Phys., 24, p. 1439, 1983
37. "Integrable Models of Shallow Water Waves," in Nonlinear Phenomena, Lect. Notes in Phys #189, ed. by K.B. Wolf, Springer-Verlag, NY, p. 212, 1983
38. "Towards a New Kinetic Theory of Resonant Triads," Contem. Math., 28, p. 281, 1984
39. "An Analytical Model of Periodic Waves in Shallow Water," Stud. App. Math., 73, pp. 183-220, with A. Finkel, 1985
40. "Basic Form for Riemann Matrices," in Nonlinear Syst. of PDEs in App. Math., ed by B. Nicolaenko, D.D. Holm & J.M. Hyman, AMS Lect. in App. Math., 23, p. 47, with A. Finkel, 1986
41. "Some Open Problems," Physica, 18D, p. 1, 1986
42. "Nonexistence of Small-Amplitude Breather Solutions in 蠁4 Theory," Phys. Rev. Lett., 58, p. 747, with M.D. Kruskal, 1987
43. "The KP Equation and Biperiodic Water Waves," in Nonlinear Evolutions, ed by J. Leon, World Scient., Singapore, p. 517, with J.L. Hammack & N.W. Scheffner, 1987
44. "Asymptotics Beyond All Orders," in Trans of 5th Army Conf. on App. Math & Comp., ARO Rep't 88-1, p. 369, 1988
45. "Two-dimensional Periodic Waves in Shallow Water," J. Fluid Mech., 209, pp. 567-589, with J.L.Hammack & N. Scheffner, 1989
46. "Solitons," in Encyclopedia of Physics, 2nd Ed., ed. by G. Trigg & R. Lerner, VCH Pub., NY, p. 1154, 1991
47. "Stem Waves Along Breakwater", a Discussion, ASCE J. Waterway, Port, Coastal & Ocean Eng., 115, pp. 542-543, with J.L. Hammack & N.W. Scheffner, 1991
48. "A note on the generation and narrowness of periodic rip currents", J. Geo. Res., 96, pp. 4909-4914, with J.L. Hammack & N.W. Scheffner, 1991
49. "The Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation and water waves," in Proc. of Chaos & Order, ed. by N. Joshi & R. Dewar, World Sci., Singapore, pp. 109-120, with J. Hammack & N. Scheffner, 1991
50. "Who cares about integrability?", Physica D, 51, pp.343-359, 1991
51. "Asymptotics Beyond All Orders in a Model of Crystal Growth", Stud. App. Math., 85, pp. 129-182, with M.D. Kruskal, 1991
52. "Periodic Waves in Shallow Water", Proc. of Int.School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Course CIX (1988), ed. by A.R. Osborne, North Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 891-914, with J. Hammack & N. Scheffner, 1991
53. "An asymptotic symmetry of the rapidly forced pendulum", Physica D, 51, pp. 109-118, with Chang Y.-H., 1991
54. "An overview of the geometric model", in Asympotics Beyond All Orders, ed. by H. Segur, S. Tanveer, & H. Levine, Plenum Press, pp. 29-36, 1992
55. "A new formulation for dendritic crystal growth in two dimensions", Asympotics Beyond All Orders, ed. by H. Segur, S. Tanveer, & H. Levine, Plenum Press, pp. 87-104, with E.A. Coutsias, 1992
56. "A new Hamiltonian amplitude equation governing modulated wave instabilities", J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 61, pp. 1187-1193, with M. Wadati & M.J. Ablowitz, 1992
57. "On integrability and the motion of curves", Phys. Rev. Lett., 69, pp. 2603-2606, with K. Nakayama & M. Wadati, 1992
58. "Asymptotics Beyond All Orders - A Survey", Chaos in Australia, ed. by G. Brown & A. Opie, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 150-172, 1993
59. "Analysis of a Hamiltonian Amplitude Equation", J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 62, pp. 1927-1931,with C.C. Chow & S.J. Fromm, 1993
60. "Wave Collapse and Instability of Solitary Waves of a Generalized KadomtsevPetviashvili Equation", Physica D78, pp. 241-265, with X.P. Wang & M.J. Ablowitz, 1994
61. "A note on the motion of surfaces", Phys. Lett. A, 194, pp. 165-172, with R. McLachlan, 1994
62. "Two-dimensional periodic waves in shallow water, part 2: asymmetric waves", J. Fluid Mech., 285, pp. 95-122, with J.L. Hammack, D. McCallister, & N. W. Sheffner, 1995
63. "A generalized stability criterion for resonant triad interactions", J. Fluid Mech., 319, pp. 67-76, with C. Chow & D. Henderson, 1996
64. "A Discrete Curve-Shortening Equation", Methods and Appl. of Analysis, 4, pp. 162-172, with K. Nakayama & M. Wadati, 1997
65. "Three-phase solutions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation", Studies in Applied Math., 99, pp. 137-203, with B.A. Dubrovin & R. Flickinger, 1997
66. "Motion of curves specified by accelerations", Physics Letters A, 224, pp. 253- 263, with T. Tsurumi, K. Nakayama, & M.Wadati, 1997
67. "The KP equation with quasiperiodic initial data", Physica D 123, pp. 123-152, with B. Deconinck, 1998
68. "Oceanic Storm Waves near Shore", submitted for publication, with J.H. Curry, J.L. Hammack, C.E. Long, & N.W. Scheffner, 1997
69. "The motion of a falling liquid filament", Phys. Fluids, 12, p. 550-567, with L. Smolka, M. Wadati, & D. Henderson, 2000
70. "Evolution of a Tracer Gradient in an Incompressible, Two-dimensional Flow", in IUTAM Symp.: Developments in Geophys. Turbulence, ed. by R.M. Kerr & Y. Kimura, Kluwer Pub., pp. 143-150, 2000
71. "Pole Dynamics for Elliptic Solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries Equation", Math. Phys., Anal. & Geom., 3, pp. 49-74, with B. Deconinck, 2000
72. 鈥滻nstabilities in the two-dimensional cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation鈥, Phys. Rev. E 68, 045601, with J.D. Carter, 2003
73. 鈥淧rogressive waves with persistent, two-dimensional surface patterns in deep water鈥, J Fluid Mech., 532, pp. 1-51, with J.L. Hammack & D.M. Henderson, 2005
74. 鈥淪tabilizing the Benjamin-Feir instability鈥, J Fluid Mech., 539, pp. 229-271, with D. Henderson, J.D. Carter, J. Hammack, C-M Li, D. Pheiff, K Socha, 2005
75. 鈥淐an the Benjamin-Feir instability spawn a rogue wave?鈥, with D.M. Henderson & J.L. Hammack, Proceedings of the 14th Aha Huliko鈥檃 Winter Workshop, on Rogue Waves, ed. by P. M眉ller & D. Henderson, 2005
76. 鈥淥n the laboratory generation of two-dimensional, progressive surface waves of nearly permanent form on deep water鈥, J. Fluid Mech, 559, pp. 412-427, with D.M.Henderson & M. Patterson, 2006
77. 鈥淪table, three-dimensional waves of nearly permanent form on deep water鈥, Math. & Computers in Simulation, doi: 10.1016/j.matcom, with W. Craig, D.M. Henderson & M. Oscamou, 2006
78. 鈥淲aves in shallow water, with emphasis on the tsunami of 2004鈥, in Tsunami and nonlinear waves, ed. by A Kundu, Springer GeoSc., pp. 3-30, 2007
79. 鈥淚ntegrable models of waves in shallow water鈥, in Probability, Geometry and Integrable Systems, MSRI Publication 55, pp. 307-333, 2008
80. 鈥淔inite鈥揹imensional pole dynamics of solutions of the viscous Burgers equation鈥, J. Physics A:Math.Theor. 40, 5459-5467, with B. Deconinck & Y. Kimura, 2007
81. 鈥淭he modulational instability revisited鈥, Euro. Phys. Journal, 147, 25-43, with D.M. Henderson, 2007
82. 鈥淓xplosive instability due to 4-wave mixing鈥, Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.245004, with B.R. Safdi, 2007
83. 鈥淪table deep-water waves propagating in one and two dimensions鈥, Proc. in Appl. Math. & Mech., 7, pp. 1101401-1101402, with D. Henderson, 2007
84. 鈥淓xplosive instability due to 3-wave or 4-wave mixing, with or without dissipation鈥, Analysis & Applications, 6, pp. 1-16, 2008
85. 鈥淒emonstration experiments in the NSF-CBMS Regional Conference on Water Waves鈥, Conf. Proc. on Water Waves, Theory and Experiment, World Scientific, New Jersey, pp. 191-201, with D. Henderson, R. Geist & K. Hammack, 2010
86. 鈥滶xperimental evidence of stable wave patterns on deep water鈥, J. Fluid Mech., 658, pp. 247-278, with D.M. Henderson & J.D.Carter, 2010
87. 鈥淭he Benjamin-Feir Instability and Propagation of Swell across the Pacific鈥, Math. & Computers in Simul., 82, pp. 1172-1184 with Diane Henderson, 2012
88. 鈥淪eismically generated tsunamis鈥, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London A, 370, pp. 1505-1542, doi: 10.1098/rsta.2011.0457, with D. Arcas, 2012
89. 鈥淭he role of dissipation in the evolution of ocean swell鈥, J. Geophys. Res. 鈥 Oceans, 118, pp. 5074-5091, doi:10.1002 jgrc.20324, with D.M. Henderson, 2013
90. 鈥淒issipation of narrow-banded surface water waves鈥, Fields Institute Comm., 75, pp. 163-183, with D. Henderson & G.K. Rajan, 2015
91. 鈥淭oward a general solution of the three-wave partial differential equations鈥, to appear in Studies in Applied Mathematics, with R.A. Martin, 2016

Given in the U.S., Austria, Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, Spain and the former U.S.S.R.

1.听Japan Physical Society meeting in honor of Prof. Miki Wadati, February 13-17, 2007
2.听5th IMACS Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena, U. of Georgia, Athens, GA, April 16-19, 2007
3.听NEEDS (Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems) Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June 18-22, 2007
4.听PIMS (Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences) Conference on Waves in Atmosphere and Oceans, April 25-27, 2008
5.听NSF-CBMS Regional Conference on 鈥淲ater Waves: Theory and Experiment鈥 (10 lectures), Howard University, Washington, DC, May 13-18, 2008
6.听SIAM International conference, Rome, Italy, July 21-24, 2008
7.听6th IMACS Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena, U. of Georgia, Athens, GA, April 13-16, 2009
8.听GFD (geophysical fluid dynamics) Summer Program (11 lectures), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA, June 15 鈥 August 21, 2009
9.听鈥淔rontiers in Nonlinear Waves鈥, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, March 26-30, 2010
10.听NSF-CBMS Regional Conference on 鈥淣onlinear Water Waves鈥, University of Texas/Pan-American, Edinburg, TX, May 17-21, 2010
11.听Conference on 鈥淪ymmetry plus Integrability:, San Padre Island, TX, June 10-14, 2010
12.听Wave Phenomena IV, 鈥淲aves in fluids from microscopic to the planetary scale鈥, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 14-18, 2010
13.听7th IMACS Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena, U. of Georgia, Athens, GA, April 4-7, 2011
14.听鈥淐onference on Nonlinear Water Waves鈥, Erwin Schr枚dinger Institute, Vienna, Austria, May 16-17, 2011
15.听鈥淢athematics of Extreme Sea Waves: Tsunamis, Rogue Waves and Flooding鈥, The Fields Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 13-16, 2011
16.听SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves, U. of Washington, Seattle, WA, June. 13-16, 2012
17.听Burgers School on 鈥淣onlinear Water Waves鈥, June 6-10, 2016, U. of Maryland, College Park, MD 鈥揙ne of six Instructors in the week-long course

1.听Advisory Committee: International Workshop on Tsunami and Nonlinear Waves, Calcutta, India, March 6-10, 2006
2.听Organizing Committee: NSF-CBMS Regional Conference on 鈥淲ater Waves: Theory and Experiment鈥, Howard University, Washington DC, May 13-18, 2008
3.听Organizing Committee: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Summer Program, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Woods Hole, MA, July 15-August 21, 2009
4.听Scientific Committee, 7th IMACS Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena, U. of Georgia, Athens, GA, April 4-7, 2011
5.听Scientific Committee, 8th IMACS Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena, U of Georgia, Athens, GA, March 24-28, 2013

Principal or Co-Principal Investigator on various contracts with the U.S. Army Research Office (Mathematics), the Department of Energy (Applied Mathematical Sciences), the U.S. National Science Foundation (Geophysics, Mathematics, Special Programs, Focused Research Group, VIGRE, MCTP, CCLI), NATO (Scientific Affairs Division), and the U.S. Office of Naval Research (Fluid Mechanics, Physics).