2011听Papers and Presentations

The Colorado Undergraduate Space Research Symposium is an opportunity for students to present their current research and ideas in space related fields to their peers, industry and academia.听 Four schools from around Colorado submitted papers this year and presented their research during the Symposium.听 Teams and individuals, freshman through seniors, have researched a variety of topics and presented their research or practical engineering projects.

  • Paper - Technical Content, Scientific Merit and Originality (45%)
  • Paper - Practical Application (15%)
  • Paper - Clarity of Writing (10%)
  • Presentation - Visual and Oral presentation and response to questions (30%)

Session A

01_CUSRSAlternative Energy SatPresentation
02_CUSRSAn Athermal System Design to Improve Optical
Performance across a Mission Profile
03_CUSRSAutonomous Rover and Lander SystemPresentation
04_CUSRSThe Effect of Dietary Synbiotic on Bone Mass and Mechanical
Strength in Rats during Simulated Weightlessness


05_CUSRSClear Autonomous Sensory Perceiving -Environment
Robot (CASPER)
06_CUSRSConstruction of an Attitude Determination System for a
Sounding Rocket
07_CUSRSSpace Debris: History, Major Events and Possible
Mitigation and Reduction Strategies
08_CUSRSEpoxied Solar Cells and the Star TrackerPresentation
09_CUSRSExtremophile Collection and Identification听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听Presentation

Session C

10_CUSRSFeasibility of Balloon Stationed Pointing System听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听Presentation
11_CUSRSGravity and the Human Cardiovascular System and the
Effectiveness of Countermeasures
12_CUSRSHigh-Altitude Bacterium Retrieval Design ProjectPresentation
13_CUSRSOptical Mass Gauging System for Use in Microgravity

Session D

14_CUSRSPayload Configuration Graphical User Interface (GUI)听 听 听 听 听 听 听听Presentation
15_CUSRSPEZ: Expanding CubeSat Capabilities through
Innovative Mechanism Design
17_CUSRSTable Top Demonstration Unit for Return Fuel
Production on Mars

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