Operational Planning

The College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) conducts an operational planning (OP) process to align collective resources with our strategic plans. Each unit (department, program, administrative unit, or centers) prepares a separate OP to manage their respective resources in alignment with their mission and goals, objectives, and activities. The OP addresses annual budget, people, and space resources of the unit. It discusses (1) resource investments when there is growth and (2) the use of reserves or plans to develop efficiencies when there are resource gaps.

Unit leadership will oversee the operational planning for their units. For questions, consult your admin council representative or unit leadership.

Operational Planning Calendar


Strategic Planning

ÌýÌýÌý Jan. - Feb.: Strategic vision prioritization


ÌýÌýCollege budget driver data to units


ÌýÌý Jan. - Feb.: Beautification, renovation, and space reallocation planning


Operational Planning Milestones

ÌýÌýSnapshots to units

Strategic Planning

ÌýÌý Jan. - Feb.: Strategic vision prioritization college and all units


ÌýÌýCampus budget projections to college

HR Staff

ÌýÌý Second round promotion and pay adjustments (from previous year)

ÌýÌý HR comp and equity analysis: Advise units

ÌýÌý Units develop new headcount requests: Begin descriptions up to approval step for operational planning submission


ÌýÌý Jan. - Feb.: Beautification, renovation, and space reallocation planning


Operational Planning Milestones

ÌýÌý Units develop operational plan


Operational Planning Milestones

ÌýÌý Submissions to college

ÌýÌý Discussions


Operational Planning Milestones

ÌýÌý Responses from college

ÌýÌý May - June: Implementation

HR Staff

ÌýÌý Units finalize approved promotion and pay adjustment changes

ÌýÌý Units finalize approved headcount requests


ÌýÌý Faculty metrics review, TT hiring requests, and instructional faculty plans


Operational Planning Milestones

ÌýÌý May - June: Implementation

Strategic Planning

ÌýÌý June - July:Strategic vision progress measurement college and all units


ÌýÌý Finalized budgets to departments


Strategic Planning

ÌýÌý June - July:Strategic Vision progress measurement college and all units


ÌýÌý Finalized budgets to programs and admin units

HR Staff

ÌýÌý July - Aug.: Promotion/adjustments process form (from current year)


ÌýÌý Approval of TT requests and instructional faculty plans


Strategic Planning

ÌýÌý Strategic planning progress annual publication

HR Staff

ÌýÌý July - Aug.: Promotion/adjustments process form (from current year)


ÌýÌý Aug. - Sept.: Launch TT and instructional faculty searches



ÌýÌý Aug. - Sept.: Launch TT and instructional faculty searches



ÌýÌý Oct. - Nov.: Annual fiscal true-up

HR Staff

ÌýÌý Oct. - Nov.: ÌýHR routes second round promotion and pay adjustment changes (due to campus by Nov. 15)



ÌýÌý Oct. - Nov.: Annual fiscal true-up

HR Staff

ÌýÌý Oct. - Nov.: ÌýHR routes second round promotion and pay adjustment changes (Due to campus by Nov. 15)



ÌýÌý Data drivers from campus for next fiscal year

ÌýÌýMilestone Date

ÌýÌýProcess Task


Operational Planning Components

Strategic Planning (Strategic Priorities goals and narrative)

  • The unit will provide its goals and an accompanying narrative that details how those goals tie back to the unit’s strategic plan.
  • In the narrative, the unit should indicate how it will measure success for each respective goal.


  • Review data from the financial section of the operational snapshot.
  • Units articulate how they will use their current and anticipated continuing budget to help them meet their yearly goals.
  • Units will indicate how the utilization of reserves and other funding sources will help them meet their annual goals.


  • Review and devise the current org chart from the operational snapshot.
  • Units will submit an updated unit org chart with requested positions.
  • Units will provide an accompanying narrative that speaks to the requested positions, the headcount ratio (the needed or wanted headcount to provide effective services), and how those additional positions will help the unit meet its annual goals.


  • Review the department snapshot.
  • Units will provide a request and accompanying narrative that speaks to requested tenure-track faculty positions, and how these additional positions will help the unit meet its strategic goals.
  • Programs will provide a request and accompanying narrative that speaks to requested teaching faculty positions, and how these additional positions will help the unit meet its strategic goals and teaching needs.
  • Departments should articulate plans to hire teaching faculty with an accompanying narrative for awareness and planning by CEAS. Ìý

Operations & Facilities

  • Review your units needs for beautification and renovation construction project needs.
  • Review current space allocation from the operational snapshot.
  • Go to the SharePoint webpage for Operations & Facilities to download PDFs of form questions and prepare your submissions.
  • Units will use the linked forms on the SharePoint page to submit their beautification, renovation, space and other requests.
  • The college intends to partner with units on multiple beautification projects. The college will review renovation requests and intends to partner on one or more renovation projects. Renovation project selection will depend on available CEAS funds and factors submitted by the units. There is an aspect of this process that is for longer term planning and awareness of unit needs/desires.Ìý

Frequently Asked Questions

Operational Plan

The operational planning process provides a structure and consistency for the college to allocate resources in alignment with our strategic vision.ÌýIt provides an annual process for decisions regarding strategic planning, people, and space allocation.

The snapshot is a report that the college provides to each unit with the status of the strategic plan, finances, faculty and staff positions, and overall space allocation.

Strategic Plan

Based on your unit’s strategic vision and in alignment with the college’s strategic vision, describe your priorities for the upcoming academic year. Explain how success will be measured for each priority.

Define specific, measurable indicators that will help track progress and achievement of your strategic goals.


Review your budget data from the financial section of the operational snapshot. Clearly outline how the current and anticipated budgets will be employed to achieve your goals in the next year.

Identify any budget gaps in your operational plan and propose how you plan to address these gaps, such as the utilization of reserves or other funding sources.

Indicate how one-time funding sources will be used and how they align with your strategic priorities for the fiscal year.

Requests in the operational planning process in this area should be for anything outside of Human Capital and Space/Infrastructure needs.ÌýLargely this would include programmatic funding, student hourly and grad student support, seed funding for new initiatives, and other like items.


Provide an updated Visio unit organizational chart that includes current and requested positions, reflecting any changes in staffing needs.

Include a narrative that details the headcount ratio (where applicable), the necessity of additional positions, and how they will help achieve your unit’s strategic goals.

Identify any gaps in your staffing and provide a clear plan for addressing these gaps, including any recruitment or development strategies.


Tenure-track faculty approvals occur at the campus level, around July and the college communicates final allocations to units no later than August.

Tenure-track allocations are discussed and agreed upon with the dean and chairs as a group each spring for the following academic year.ÌýNew position allocations are based on factors that include the college and unit strategic plans, college and unit budgets, current faculty headcounts, student headcount and enrollment trends, research opportunities, faculty retirements and departures, and other factors that may arise each year.

Teaching faculty allocations are made at the unit level for departments.ÌýAllocations are made at the college level for programs.ÌýAllocations at both levels are informed by the operational planning process and based on factors that include college and unit strategic plans, college and unit budgets, current faculty headcounts, student headcount and enrollment trends, faculty retirements and departures, and other factors that may arise each year.

Operations & Facilities

All requests will be submitted through the Microsoft Forms links found in the right-hand column on the Operations & Facilities SharePoint page. Your unit is asked to submit an executive summary of your Operations & Facilities requests as doing so will help us better evaluate your ask(s).Ìý

Go to the Operations & Facilities SharePoint page and download copies of the Microsoft Forms questions. Prepare your responses so you are able to copy and paste responses into the forms.

Do you have a special piece of research equipment you need or do you have a suggestion for a space renovation in a common area that's controlled by CEAS, or an issue with a building system (think heating, cooling, doors, outdoor space, etc.), or other, then this is the place to submit this request or suggestion.

No more than three per category. Do keep in mind that CEAS has limited funds construction, so submitting more than one renovation type project per category can be done, but the likelihood of project your unit ranks second or third being selected goes down.

Go to the Operations & Facilities SharePoint page and download a copy of the "Ops Fac Process Summary Graphic" as this provides a visual reference for the process and when you'll hear back regarding your submissions.Ìý

Each submission must have a liaison from your unit identified that will be the point of contact for the subsequent project. CEAS will work with this person to communicate and coordinate next steps.Ìý

Go to the Operations & Facilities SharePoint page for more information. The left column on this page details submission types, parameters, timing, etc.Ìý