Why is System Dynamics Important?

Stack of Sys D Books

Textbook (not required)

We will not have a required textbook this semester! All the material for this course will be covered during lectures completely. But, if you are like me and would like a book for reference/addition resource than I would suggest any of the books in the picture above (find the cheapest edition that you can find). You will notice that the left column of books are all System Dynamics books and on the right (and center) are either Signal Processing or Control books.

If you would like a book that is primarily a System Dynamics book, that follows closely with this class,听than Ogata鈥檚 book is probably my favorite but any will work:

  1. System Dynamics by Ogata
  2. Dynamic Systems by Kluever
  3. System Dynamics by Palm

If you think you are interested in Control Theory (of which System Dynamics is the fundamentals)听than take a look at these books:

  1. Modern Control Systems by Dorf
  2. Feedback control of Dyanmic Systems by Franklin
  3. Control Systems Engineering by Nise

If you are interested in signal processing and want to know more about digital/discrete (along with continuous) time systems, check out听one of these references:

  1. Engineering Signals and Systems by Ulaby
  2. Signal Processing First by McClellan

Topics Covered

(not restricted to this order but will following closely)

  1. Modelling

    1. Laplace Transform
    2. Solving Differential Equations Using Laplace
    3. Mechanical (Translation) Systems
    4. Convolution
    5. Electrical Systems
    6. Mechanical (Rotation) Systems
    7. Block Diagrams
    8. Op Amps
    9. Transducers
    10. Fluid/Thermal Systems
  2. Analysis
    1. First/Second/Higher-Order System Response
    2. Performance Measures
    3. Frequency Response Function
    4. Bode Plots
    5. Fourier Series
  3. Control
    1. Intro to Feedback Control
    2. Steady-State Error
    3. PID Control

Grading Breakdown

  1. Individual Work (55%)
    1. Midterm (25%)
      • Tuesday October听15th听from 7-9pm in TBD
    2. Final (30%)
      • TBD by Registrar
  2. Group Work (45%)
    1. Labs (20%)
    2. Homework (20%)
    3. Peer Review (5%)

Office Hours

Dr. Ruben: Mon, Wed 12:15 - 1:15pm and Thur 2:00 - 3:00pm in ECME 128听

Tony (TA): Mon, Wed 6:00 - 7:00pm in ECCE 1B16听

Jack (TA): Tue, Thur 7:00 - 8:00pm in ITLL 1B50


University Wide Syllabus Information

Read the University Syllabus Statement


  1. Typed Reports are mandatory (Word and Equation Editor)
    1. Introduction
    2. Lab Body with Results (including graphs and images)
    3. Appendix with Matlab Code
  2. Describe enough to fully demonstrate your understating.
  3. DUE DATE: Each Lab is due at the START of the next week鈥檚 lab.


  1. Assignments must be neat, organized and legible.听 Typed assignments are welcome.
  2. Put a box around all final answers.
  3. Show your work enough to fully demonstrate your understating and your arrival at your answer.


Questions about the material of the course is welcome and appreciated in听lecture... please ask questions during lecture.听 If you have HW specific questions, please see the TAs or myself in听office hours.听 If you have any other questions or concerns, please see me after class to chat in person.听 I prefer in-person communication over email.听听听


  1. You only have TWO WEEKS to question grading from the time the homework\exam\project is returned.
    1. Specifically for exam grade questions, students must write up a detailed document (using Word or other word processing tool, not hand-written) describing the question and email that document along with your graded exam to Dr. Ruben.
  2. This will be the final grading scale used for the course. There is no curve. You are not competing against classmates, so help them out if you can! I reserve the right to lower the scale (i.e., make it easier), but I will not raise it.
    • A: 90+
    • A-:87-89
    • B+:85-86
    • B : 83-84
    • B-:80-82
    • C+:77-79
    • C : 74-76
    • C-:70-73
    • D+:68-69
    • D : 63-67
    • D-:60-62
    • F : 59 or below

In-Class Expectations

The following expectations will assist us with the creation of a learning community and a high quality of educational experience. The will compliment these expectations:

  1. No cell phones (unless we are using them for some reason)
  2. No laptops (unless approved for taking notes)

Academic Integrity

You will be asked to complete group homework assignments in this course, but it is also expected that you will abide by The University of Colorado Honor Code at all times.

Late Work

No late work will be accepted