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Pathways to consumer demand and payment for professional rural water infrastructure maintenance across low-income contexts

Cord, C., Javernick-Will, A., Buhungiro, E., Harvey, A., Jordan, E., Lockwood, H., & Linden, K. (2022). Science of The Total Environment, 815, 152906.

Collaboratively Strengthening Water and Sanitation Systems in Low-Income and Weak-Governance Contexts

Pugel, K. (2021) Dissertation, ¾«Æ·SMÔÚÏßӰƬ.

¿Cómo construir casas de maderas para resistir los huracanes futuros?

Nov. 19, 2021

Escrito por: Briar Goldwyn, Cole Velasquez, Yarelis Gonzales, and Meredith Lochhead En Puerto Rico, isla localizada en el caribe vulnerable a los huracanes y los terremotos, se estima que más de la mitad de la construcción comercial y residencial está construida de manera informal.1 Mientras que la vivienda informalmente construida...

Construyendo Viviendas que son seguras en Huracanes y Terremotos

Nov. 19, 2021

Escrito por: Briar Goldwyn, Cole Velasquez, Yarelis Gonzales, y Polly Murray Cuando comenzamos a estudiar el desempeño de las viviendas informalmente construidas en varios desastres naturales en Puerto Rico, la isla no se había afectado por un fuerte terremoto desde hace más de cien años. Comenzamos nuestro estudio en Julio...

Building housing that is safe in hurricanes and earthquakes

Nov. 15, 2021

Written by: Briar Goldwyn, Cole Velasquez, Yarelis Gonzales, and Polly Murray When we first set out to study the multi-hazard performance of informally constructed housing in Puerto Rico, the island had not been majorly affected by an earthquake for over 100 years. We began our study in July 2019 by...

How can wood houses be built to withstand future hurricanes?

Nov. 15, 2021

Written by: Briar Goldwyn, Cole Velasquez, Yarelis Gonzales, and Meredith Lochhead In Puerto Rico, a U.S. Caribbean island exposed to both hurricanes and earthquakes, it is estimated that over half of all commercial and residential construction is constructed informally. While this informally constructed housing provides housing access for individuals who...

Pathways for collaboratively strengthening water and sanitation systems

Pugel, K., Javernick-Will, A., Peabody, S., Nyaga, C., Mussa, M., Mekonta, L., ... & Linden, K. (2022). Science of the total environment, 802, 149854.

Wind Performance Assessment of Postdisaster Housing in the Philippines

Venable, C., Liel, A. B., Kijewski-Correa, T., & Javernick-Will, A. (2021). Natural Hazards Review, 22(4), 04021033.

Gendered Knowledge Accessibility: Evaluating the Role of Gender in Knowledge Seeking among Engineers in the US

Poleacovschi, C., Javernick-Will, A., Wang, S., & Tong, T. (2021). Journal of Management in Engineering, 37(1), 04020094.

A body of knowledge and pedagogy for global engineering

Thomas, E., Salvinelli, C., Harper, J., MacDonald, L., Klees, R., Platais, G., ... & Linden, K. (2021). International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship, 16(1), 37-57.
