Photovoltaic Cell Review Articles

, C.D. Bailie and M.D. McGehee, MRS Bulletin, 40 (2015) 681.

, C. Toro, J. M. Buriak, Chemistry of Materials, 26 (2014) 5181.

, M. D. McGehee, Nature, 501 (2013) 323.

, B. E. Hardin, H. J. Snaith, and M. D. McGehee, Nature Photonics, 6 (2012) 162.

, E.C. Garnett, M.L. Brongersma, Y. Cui, M.D. McGehee, Annual Review of Materials Research, 41 (2011) 269.

, M.D. McGehee, Materials Research Society Bulletin, 34 (2009) 95.

, A.C. Mayer, S.R. Scully, B.E. Hardin, M.W. Rowell, M.D. McGehee, Materials Today, v. 10 n. 11 (2007).

, K.M. Coakley, M.D. McGehee, Chemisty of Materials (2004).Â