
Teaching Economics

I have taught Economics for almost two decades. However, this is my first attempt to examine the science behind teaching methods. I want to discover how to design and deliver courses that are meaningful and useful for students of Economics.  I understand this objective might be a never-ending journey. This is where I share what I learn. 

Incentives For Conservation

Biodiversity loss is one of the greatest challenges that humanity faces. 

Environmental economics complements other disciplines with the aim to solve this problem. 

By learning about cooperation, complex adaptive systems, and incentives for conservation, economics contributes to avoiding biodiversity loss. 

Urban Mobility

Urban mobility is a crucial part of the daily lives of city dwellers.  Mobility allows for public participation, economic activity, recreation, and the satisfaction of other human needs. 

Some of the questions that guide this research are: What determines the transportation mode of inhabitants of cities? How do urban mobility policies increase segregation and inequality? How are children, the elderly, men, and women affected? How can we promote non-motorized transportation?

The methodology to answer those questions stems from Urban Economics, however, it also interacts with Geography, Social Anthropology, and Political Science.
