Narrative Currents
[soundcloud width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=""][/soundcloud]
featuring john barber & mark amerika
Featuring the voices of John Barber and Mark Amerika in conversation at Boulder Creek in the spring of 2016. John Barber teaches in The Creative Media & Digital Culture program (CMDC) at Washington State University Vancouver where students learn not only to conceptualize and build interactive, multimedia applications, but also to think critically about digital media and the personal, social, and cultural ways in which humans will interact and engage with its artifacts. This episode experiments with new acoustic narrative strategies, questions why electronic literature resists audio-only artworks, and subverts conventions associated with the radio medium. Some questions we ask while letting the environment underwrite our aesthetic currency: How do we make sense of sound as the central component of narrative? What kinds of engaging, immersive listening experiences can we create and share with many listeners to recenter sound as the primary component of narrative, storytelling, and drama?